Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Us!

19 years ago today we were married in Jackson, Wyoming at my parents home. It was of course a very wonderful day that was filled with excitement and old friends. We enjoyed all the tradtional festivities of a wedding for an only girl. Beautiful flowers, cake, food, a band, family and friends. I am so very happy with the choice to have married Travis and all the wonderful things that he has brought into my life. I can only hope that our kids will feel the same way about their spouse that I do. Truely love and appreciate the person that they are and feel like they can't ever live without them. I can honestly say that I knew I loved him when he asked me to marry him and without a shadow of a doubt I know I love him more now than I ever thought possible.

I still love the mullet! XOXOXO

Friday, May 2, 2008

If this is looking strange to you let me explain. This is the plywood behind the sheetrock/insulation of the wall in the Mary Kay/Scrapbooking room in our house. The roof had been leaking all winter for us, for two years for the previous owners, so we repaired the roof and set out to clean the carpets. After many very frustrating wrestling matches with the insurance and contractors, we finally got someone out to take care of it. When they pulled back the carpet they found mold. The mold was from floor to ceiling and behind everything they found that the wall was still soaking wet, even though winter had been over for awhile now. The insulation was dripping wet and since there was a sheet of plastic between the sheetrock and the insulation, the moisture meter read very small amounts of moisture. After tearing the whole corner out from the inside they found that the plywood was so rotted that we could have pushed our hand through it in several spots. It had obviously been this was for several years and was due to a poor job from the builders. Meanwhile I am trying to get my room put back together with contractors flaking and the insurance fighting us. It is now on the way. They have replaced the plywood and are in the process of putting the rock back on the front of the house. Too much fun.

During all of this, Sabrina showed up with LICE! That was a true test of my patience and it took almost 2 1/2 hours to treat her hair. Then I did a check on everyone else and we were all clear. The second we mentioned LICE we all started itching and were mentally convinced that we had them too. I had never seen them not even in Beauty School. A very disgusting and sick experience. I washed Isaac's hair with a differnt product than I used with Sab and it took off the top few layers of my fingernail polish. Yuck! I told her if she came home from school again with them that she would be bald. I gave her a perm a week later, if there was any sign of any life of the lice, the perm killed them off for sure. Her hair looks WAY cute. She said she thought she looked like Taylor Swift! Life is always exciting around here.