Friday, September 19, 2008

The Search Begins

Kim and I set out on our search for a reception center while Heather was still at school. We went all over the valley, it was really fun looking at all the beautiful places that provide such a nice place for you to enjoy such a special day.
Alpine Arts Center, I would love to have my girls' receptions here, if they would want it here.
A place in American Fork.
This was a little something I found and after a few stressful moments I asked Kim if she wanted to split it. It helped break some tension and we had a good laugh!
Travis came home with these flowers and gave them to Kim. Could he be any sweeter?
Yes he could be sweeter because these were for me!!!! He is so thoughtful and kind, I am soooooooooo lucky. I hope our boys have been taking notes!


So I come home for two seconds one day after running around doing wedding stuff all day and see this note taped to my front door. I dropped C.C. off and asked him to go see what it was on the front door and he calls me laughing and reads me the sign. Apparently Travis was tired of answering the doorbell to let the kids know that Isaac was gone. I'm not sure if the all the kids that were ringing the doorbell can actually read but I think he made his point. Goes to show what a good sport he is having his office right by the front door.

State Fair Material

My thumb is actually green afterall. NOT! Just good beginners luck.
This cauliflower grew so huge, the picture doesn't do it justice but I weighed it after we cut it off and it was 11.6lbs. HOLY COW! What do I do with that much cauliflower???? Anyone have any good recipes?
We cut down our sunflowers so we can dry out the seeds. Sunflowers have a really cool process if anyone wants to do it next year for your kids. My kids loved watching each step and watching it all change. Way cool.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Is A Special Day!

Today was finally the day that we baptized Isaac! He had looked forward to this day for a very long time. We got him all set up with a new suit, that he had requested and a new tie that wasn't a clip-on, another request. He looked bery handsome and too grown up.

You can tell by the look on his face here that he couldn't be happier. During the talks and the songs I couldn't help but to peek over at him and see the cute look on his face as he listened. It was so fun to have the support that we did there and feel the love everyone has for Isaac! We had some family, some old friends, and some new friends there so it couldn't have been better in any way.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Think She Said YES

It's offical! We are now getting our first daughter-in-law and we couldn't have picked a better one ourselves. Thankfully Nick has exceptional taste and did fine on his own. He was very romantic and planned it out so cute and was so carefull to not leave out any important details and to make it ever so special. You can tell by the look on her face that she was so excited and very surprised. So mark your calendars for October 17 in the Salt Lake area somewhere. I am totally clueless on the Wedding Planner thing so any ideas and inside tricks of the trade are welcome.

Heather is already so much apart of our family and life that we are so happy to have her be a FERG! (Read her blog for all the sappy details! :) )

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Plumber With A Sense Of Humor

Need I say more!!!!
My favorite email from Kathie this last week, she always sends the best ones.