Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Travis! Feb 19, Ya I'm Behind!

Travis wasn't having the best day at work but we all made him come out of his office so we could give him a few gifts.
I surprised him with a Glock 45 and a class to get his Concealed Weapons permit. He was pleasantly surprised! I always have to make sure he has a box of his FAVORITE chocolates too! Rob and Alison were generous enough to give us their tickets to the Elton John/Billy Joel concert. We had seen Elton before but we both loved this show! Billy Joel was a great accent to Elton. Travis absolutely LOVED it! Thank you so much again Rob and Alison!
We had to take the Glock out the next day and try it out but this is as close to the guns as Sabrina got. She stayed in the back of the car and shot the Airsoft gun. She was mostly just there to help with the puppies but she was too funny shooting out of the back of the car at a target she and Isaac had made a few days before.
McKayla wanted to shoot the Glock too.
It started to snow while we were there so it made it that much more fun! I got a video of Isaac shooting it and it's the funniest ever. The look on his face is one of major surprise and then he's like "Here. Take this gun. I'm deaf now! Holy cow that is SO loud!" It is a huge and powerful gun and super fun to shoot!
Then on Sunday we had friends over to celebrate some more! This seems to be the only picture I snapped but there was a whole houseful of people there! Against Travis' wishes of course but I love celebrating him! Happy Birthday Trav! We love you so much!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Works!

I finally found somewhere that will print your blog! It is the best thing ever! Not only is it your journal but a digital scrapbook!
It was totally easy to download and order, about 20 minutes. It's a year and a half worth of blogging plus the comments that people made. I love it. Very professional looking! I'm sure they will get more technical with more options but I'm excited for the next few years to make another Blog Book!
P.S. Yes I forgot to add this very important part, sorry! and not as expensive as you would think! Check it out! You can have up to 500 posts so there is plenty of room.