Tuesday, May 18, 2010

21 Years

I found this saying and put it up on our Anniversary, it was fitting.
We started out 21 years ago like this. Young and a full life ahead of us together.
Travis surprised me with these flowers and a box of M&M's, my favorites. I surprised him with an hour and a half massage at Massage Envy, sorry no pictures.
Aren't they georgous??????
Now we are to this. Seasoned and old but still together after 21 years.
I am more than grateful for all that Travis is in my life and our childrens. He has really been more than I could have ever wanted. Here's to another 21 years. Love you!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tulip Festival

None of us had ever been to the Festival. My mom was in town and after a week of poopy weather it finally cleared up for a nice trip to check it out.
Sabrina was taking a "personal day" from school and she was behind the camera again.
Madre' and I. We really were having a nice time, wow my hair looks lovely.
Sab had to get in a picture too.
This was the coolest tree, it was crurvy like this all over. Very unusual.
Getting a sweet shot.
This was a cool one, she's so creative.
There were millions of these in all different sizes.
Too cool for school, literally.
Travis, C.C. and McKayla all met us out there for a nice lunch. It is really a beautiful place and we only saw maybe 1/4 of the whole garden.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spring Break

The Snack Shop!
I had to get a pic of Travis' drawer and the fridge in his office. It makes me laugh, especially the Pepcid Complete.
We went to see the baby goats over Spring Break. There is this total rebel goat that is always head butting everyone. He was chasing the kids around and he even got up on the tramp.
We found a walking path that we went to several times over the break.
Good for bike riding.
Rock throwing.
Picture taking.
Isaac thought this nice cow patty looked like a cinnamon roll.
Cool background.
McKenzie and Reggie came to play too. Reg and Dax are BFF's. It's so funny how Reggie just bats him around playing but he's so gentle.
Nap time after a day of beating up Dax.
The dogs all joined me for reading and a sunbath on the back porch.
I made curtains and table runners, I love how they turned out.
I let Sab take pictures on one of our walks and she is quite the photographer.
These were cool.
We smelled this guy the few days before but now we can see that he's in Skunk heaven. He still smelled.
The dogs all loved it here. Endless scents to find and the road never ended.
Sab being creative again. I love it.
The kids will all say that it was boring as heck but we did enjoy the break from school. We watched some good movies and took alot of walks with the mutts.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crazy Days Of Our Lives

Nap time! Dax made himself comfortable while Vinny was sleeping on McKayla's sweatshirt while she was at school.
I noticed one Sunday how McKayla, Sabrina, and Heather all had on the same kind of socks but none of theirs matched.
Mark and Summer and the kids came for a visit and we went to the Aguarium. The boys all liked the frogs, especially Mark.
Isaac had the idea to freeze a rubber glove full of water. He and Sab both froze one and then ate them like a popcicle.
Isaac bought two guppies for like a quarter a long time ago. Then all of a sudden one day they had a teeny, tiny baby. Then a few months ago they kept having more babies, SEVERAL batches. There were at least 75 baby guppies in this tiny tank. It was a really cool experience to see them first born to getting bigger. Nature has taken it's course. The parents are both goners and so are most of their children. We are down to maybe 20. Whew, that was alot of mouths to feed.
The trial run with the life jackets for the dogs in the tub. Vinny is so chubby he was just doing barrel rolls. He will need some practice and some serious supervision in the lake. Plus he's dieting.
FeeBee was having a time-out!
C.C. made a potato cannon and we all enjoyed the fun. This was quite cool shooting it at the school and seeing how far it would launch the spud. Not actually shooting AT the school but in the field.
Isaac and Evan found this action figure in the parking lot at the Legacy Center and they thought the best place for it would be under the tire of this car. When we were finished swimming the poor guy was definately flat, as they had planned.
This dead spot in the grass is where we find Dax sleeping all the time on sunny days.
This is Andy, Nick and Heather were going to adopt him but it didn't work out. He came over to hang with us and Dax and Vinny had a blast with him. They all 3 slept like logs that night.
Isaac learned some self defense moves at school and they had a chance to show the parents what they learned. It was hilarious because they actually got to kick and hit this poor man. This Sgt. got beat up by at least 50 3rd graders in one afternoon.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Easter Weekend

McKayla's goat, that we "gutter-gifted" to the neighbor up the street, had twins. They were two little boys so that means that they will not be there too long. They were so cute.

Not only do we like to dye hard boiled eggs but also hollow eggs. This is not snot but egg yolk.

The kids kept saying they didn't want to do Easter Eggs this year so I didn't push it. Around noon on Easter Isaac asked when we were going to dye eggs. So I got them boiling and when they were finished all four of the kids were up in the kitchen designing and coloring eggs while we listened to the last session of conference together. For a bunch of kids that were not interested, they all sure had fun. Here is the final product including the flowers my mom sent us.
We had sent all our knives off to be sharpened so that left us with this huge knife for our cutting needs for Easter dinner. It was hilarious because it looked so awkward.

Travis was in California for two weeks and over the holiday weekend which was weird for us and not as fun as if he were here. It was a quiet weekend without him but I enjoyed conference.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Trip to the Zoo!

Isaac with Dwaynes realtives in the background. There are 3 of them in the picture, small, medium, and large.

Mama and baby Giraffe! These animals are all completely different and so interesting to watch.

The new baby Elephant

This tiger was HUGE and very sleepy.

Check out the size of this guys grill!!!

This tortoise was really large and had to be very old.

The Peacocks are beautiful.

Posing for the camera. Go Sab.

These guys were just trying to catch the attention of the young lady turkey. It was quite the show.

Hogle Zoo was a fun day for the family, great idea McKayla.