Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Sab!

Since my side of the family was all here we decided to go cruise through Gardner's Village hoping it would be a good way to celebrate Sab's birthday the day after the wedding and enjoying each other while we were checking out the Halloween festivities. Some of us enjoyed ourselves, some a little too much, but all in all we had a nice time even though we all felt like we were in coma's.

Isaac and Ryan had the most fun together, they couldn't pass up a shot with McGruff.

Just hanging out at the can, they've got some skills.
Diane and I had a blast. We shopped and looked at purses and jewelry, what more could a girl want than hangin' with her best bud. Even Scott, my brother, and Travis were shopping with us and enjoying it as much as they could.
This is my parents, they are the one's that I thought would enjoy it the most but I'm sure had the worst time.

Sab is blazing the trail for the witch.

Then on sunday we had some friends over for dinner to celebrate again Sab's birthday and she wanted to have pineapple-upside down cake. For a girl that doesn't branch out much on her food groups, I was shocked she wanted this. Of course the pineapple got put to the side and the rest got chowed down. We also kidnapped her from primary at church and brought her into Young Womens. Yes, Jenny, no more achievment days. :( She was so happy to come into YW, mostly because the primary program was the week after her birthday, but of course she was way ready. She's already been working on her Personal Progress, way cute. Happy Birthday Sab! You're the best! Travis always says, "Sab, you're in my top 5 kids!" She gets it but still loves it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Perfect Day!

Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson coming out of the temple.
The temple ceremony was really beautiful and very touching for all of us in the room. The sealer made it extremely personal to them.

All the happy couples.
The Ferg family. Tegan is up in the background, he looked so funny and like he was photo-shopped in.
Heather and the flower girls.
Nick and Summer
The Ferg kids all dressed for the occacion.
C.C. and Ashley getting an extra squeeze in.
The happy couple at the luncheon.
The table decorations, the kids set it all up while we were all at the temple. They did such a great job.
The Reception was set up so beautifully and it was so much fun. The kids really planned it all out so great and really had some fun and quality things that they made happen. They seemed to really be able to enjoy the day and not just feel stressed.

Isaac and Isabelle, mini's. They were so cute.

Sab and Brooklyn manning the gift table.
I found a few of my handsome men for a quick picture.

C.C., Diane, and Ryan at the reception.
We had such a nice time and appreciated everyone who came and took time to drive such a long way to support the kids. It was really a special day for all of us and we feel really blessed to have inherited such a great daughter and her family.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Tagged Again, Thanks Alison!

5 Fears
1. My kids not coming home - I can't sleep well until I know that they are all home safe and sound in their beds. I know Travis will always come home, we both need each other too much!
2. Speaking in church - I will do just about anything to avoid this. I just hate it, I get so scared and then I get all enotional and I hate feeling weak and having everyone see me weak. Maybe that is just pride not fear.
3. Spiders - need I say more, hate them but I will kill them if Travis or one of the boys isn't around. I was around alot of HUGE spiders in Hawaii alot as a kid so it all started then.
4. Watching my husband get killed right in front of me on the Harley! I always follow him and that thought goes through my mind all the time! I still don't know what I would do in the moment if I saw it happen.
5. Not being able to pay our bills - this is a fear of everyone I'm sure especially in these times now.

5 Joys
1. Riding the Harleys in the mountains or on the coast - it is a definate must for those of you that enjoy something different. It is the best feeling to be cruising along listening to your I-pod and enjoying the beautiful surroundings and forgetting about all of your responsibilities.
2. A good book - I haven't always loved reading but I do love it now and getting into a well written book that pulls you in.
3. Quality time with Travis and the kids - this is when we get the real stories on what is going on in their lives.
4. Scarpbooking - I love looking at the pictures of my family and I love being creative. I don't feel like I have many other ways to be creative so this is my outlet. I love seeing how the kids have grown and changed and looking at the funny things they have done.
5. Being able to do something nice for someone unexpected - I have always loved taking dinner to someone or going over to their house to help them clean or with their kids. It is such a great feeling to be able to do that for other people. It is my theropy, that

5 Obsessions/Collections
1. I have collected music boxes forever, mostly as a kid but I still love my big antique ones in my house now.
2. I am obsessed with organization with everything even down to using my time in an organized way. I have to have things just so, so much that I'm sure that it has driven my family nuts thier whole life. They will probably all turn out to be slobs because I have been such a crazy person when it comes to their rooms and my house.
3. Checking my email - yes, I check it many times a day just waiting for some communication from the outside world. Just kidding but I do check it WAY too many times. Travis said that if my computer died and the phones didn't work I would go crazy. Maybe?
4. I have the same routine everyday - as far as getting up and ready for the day, down to picking out my clothes and even when I have my first Diet Coke. It is sad and lame I know. I have a hard time when the schedule gets mixed up and I have to make a change. Freak show!
5. I am also obsessed with finishing things - I really can't move on the the next thing until I have finished which I think is good in a way becasue it helps me to be a very clean and organized person. It actually talked about this in my Patriarchal Blessing, so I am suppossed to be doing this! Example- I can NOT walk out of my bathroom without putting everything away. I have seriously tried and I end up coming right back in to finish it up.

5 Surprising Facts
1. My first calling in the church was a volleyball coach - I was totally into volleyball until my smoking habit inhibited me from breathing during practice. I probably could have made a different turn in High School if I had stuck with the volleyball.
2. I have to go to sleep the exact same way everynight, with my 3 pillows and my blankets just so. More obsessive tendencies.
3. I most never try new things when we go out to eat - I HATE getting something that sounded good and ended up tasting gross and having to pay for it.
4. I spoke in Stake Conference, the adult session, just a few months after being baptized - this may be why I have a fear of it now.
5. I was Head Cook at Zion's Camp for a few years - this is another place where my obsessive tendencies paid off in organizing meal planning for 200 people. I did love the boys though, it was one of the best experiences I have had, even though the actual work was exhausting.

So now that you all know what a freak I am, I guess if I never hear from anyone again I will know who can take my weirdness and who can't!

Pass it on and TAG- Melinda, Kim, Heather, Summer, and Jill

Thursday, October 9, 2008

4th Pic Of The 4th Folder Tag

This one's for you Alison!
This car we saw on our way to Mount Rushmore this summer and the kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. Of course we all wonder if it's functional driving both ways or just one way.
This is my 4th picture but not in the 4th folder so it's half of the tag.
Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You Might Be A Redneck If...

You DUCK tape your mud flaps on your truck!!!
Yes, this is not a photoshop special! Look closely at the craftsmanship of this project. This truck was in Albertson's parking lot and I had to get a shot of it. Classic redneck and a great laugh for the day!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Senior Pics

We were SOOOO excited to see that these ALL turned out so good. There are like 20 more great shots of him but I don't want you to fall asleep looking at my blog. Jill referred her friend that is starting her photography business and so she took these of C.C. and Nick and Heathers Bridals, which Nick was in so I'm not sure what they are technically called. Anyway she did a SWEET job on both, as you can see, so let me know if you need her name and number, she's great. Mr. GQ was quite the man, he is so cute. Gotta love him!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Inside our pantry this is what our cereal shelf looks like. This morning when I opened it up this is what I saw! I seriously laughed out loud. Someone had left a little note explaining a few things about two of the cereals. Thanks Sabrina for starting my day out with a good laugh!
Obviously these must be the generic brand that taste like packing peanuts and cost around $2 a bag!
This one must be the real thing! Sugar galore!
I found this plate today at Rod Works, it was broken but totally funny! I need that around monthly!

Things Are Always Interesting

I had a collection of random funny pictures so here goes.
Isaac has been jamming out every night and this is how we find him every night when we go to bed. Sleeping to a little Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney.
Shopping for dresses, Sab asked if this looked good on her.
Assembling the invatiations. It was fun and crazy, you can tell by the look on Sabs face. I told Ashley, McKayla, and Sab that there was to be NO ASSEMBING required when it was their turn, they get one thing and one envelope to cram it into. JK! I would do it all over again, not sure that THEY would but they really turned out beatiful.
Sabs old grill!
Sabs new tin grill. She and Ren are on the same schedule so it's fun to meet up at the Ortho, I know pathetic but it's fun.
C.C. getting his EEG, he has been having dizzy spells and passing out so we are still working on finding some answers. Either that or it's dreadlocks gone wrong!
Travis got new glasses and while we waited Isaac went exploring behind the counter and came up with these. Way hot, they were almost as thick as his.
I was trying on a dress for the wedding and all the ladies outside of the dressing room were laughing when they would walk by. I came out and here was my sweet, totally and completely BORED son finding a great way to entertain himself and everyone else in the store. Sab ended up with about a half a box of these too just for everyday life.

I LOVE MY CAMERA, having it in my purse is the absolute best thing ever, well, almost, but really convienent for all these great shots that are spur of the moment.

P.S. McKayla is still refusing to be photographed just in case you were wondering what the heck has happened to her.

P.S.S.We also had a great weekend with some of our old friends from San Jose that we realized how much we missed. We saw Ty, wow, he's so handsome and grown up but still Ty. We loved seeing him and were glad he had a few minutes that he could come see us, thanks Ty, you're still the bomb. And we got to see Paul and Jenny and Terri and Ben and their cute little bucket of smiles. They were sweet enough to also make time to stop by for a visit. We got to hold the baby and get some great advise on being a grandparent. I love Paul and Jenny and miss Jenny and being around her sweet and happy self. I learned so much from her over the years, FYI for her kids, she does know stuff even though you thought she didn't. Haha. Love ya Mid-Carts, thanks for coming to visit, we hope we get to see you more.

P.S.S.S.- Stay tuned for C.C.'s GQ model shots, his senior pictures.