Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Feelin' The Love

All because I put an empty cookie box in her car.
I actually watched them all do this this to my yard at 1am one night. I was trying to think of something to freak them out like throw a duck in the front yard or put a red lazer on someone's forehead. Instead I just let nature take its course and have been planning my revenge ever since. It's going to be the highlight of my childrens year, we have HUGE plans! Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Weekender To Rexburg

Travis and I rode the Harleys up to Rexburg for the weekend. Our nephew was getting married and it was getting close to Tegans birthday. We were able to visit with Scott and Julie and all their kids, Beck and Sid, Richard and Karalyn, and Kevin and Melissa. It's always nice to see Travis' family and get caught up.
The happy couple had their reception at this cool barn in Teton. It was a neat idea and they had it decorated really cute. Sweet story, they dated for 4 years and she waited while he was on his mission. AWWWWWW!
Jeff and Nichole, Travis' sister, were there also for the fun. Dallin tried on Travis' Harley stuff and was hoping he looked cool! I think so!
Ethan looked so cute, his teeth made the picture the best. They were all trying it out, Jeff looked pretty good too.
Stayed the night with the Ferg grandparents and they fed us all the favorites that were hated as kids but are now loved as adults. MUSH, homemade wheat bread and jam. Nothing is as good as Carma's bread although my stomach was a "hater" because I usually don't eat alot of wheat anything.
Tegan was showing me Marks new ride. So jealous, it's a sweet ride.
Visited Summer, Mark, Tegan, and Bridger. Tegan was alot happier than he looks. He was jazzzed about his new tool set we took him for his birthday, he even got to drill a hole in his door. The hole was already there but he was a fan.
The Erickson Grandparents were around too so we got to visit with them also. Ted has not aged in the 21 years I have known him, nore has he bought a new suit. JK. It still fits and he looks great in it. They are very sweet to our family and always have been.
We ended up staying in Malad on the way home for the night. It was a HOLE but at least I didn't have to ride anymore in the naasty wind or the dark. Nice weekend away, never can get enough of that.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Barnyard Update

The little brown duck was murdered the first night and so this is her gravesite!
The first death in the barnyard!
We decided to add a pregnant pygmy goat to the barnyard. We brought her back from Payson in the back of the truck. We got several laughs on the freeway.
It cried all night long so Travis slept out there with her so she wouldn't wake up the neighborhood. I went out to wake him up and within 20 minutes she had gotten out and had bolted! An hour later and after several neighborhood chases we brought her home. It would have been a great Funniest Home Video. We had to have her tied up because we don't have a gate on either side of the backyard, she didn't like that too much.
(This picture flipped for some odd reason.) She was a MESS!!!! And loved to sleep on the top step and stick her nose on the outside of the glass. Frosted Flakes, poop, weeds, and goat treats. Anything the get her to be quiet and content.
After several nights and days of her crying and destroying our backyard, we decided to pass the goat on to join another herd. The neighbors behind us were hating us and we got the stink-talk about it so they should be happy. She is in a way better place and with other goats and still in the neighborhood. So all is well and so is our sanity now! Whew! Note to self... you live in a neighborhood, not on a farm.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


One of the new kids on the block, McKayla got two new ducks from a friend.
Since Isaac drank from the carton McKayla figured she needed to label the jug.
Target practice with a BB gun. Poor Mr. Egg.
A snake that McKayla stepped on while she was running at night.
The drill got left out and this is what we found screwed to the wall.
First day of 3rd grade
Sabrina swallowed her fears and rode a horse, 2 years after breaking her back because of a horse.
One of the favorite pics from our visit to the Barn at Thanksgiving Point.
McKayla is trying to talk us into one of these to add to the barnyard.
We went school shopping in Park City and had a great time.
I asked Isaac to break up the old duck pool so I could throw it away. He argued until I suggested he get the hatchet out to do the job. (That is a decoy by the way)
We went on a Harley ride to Mirror Lake. Travis was in CA so C.C. went with us.
Sabrina and Mallories new look.
After the first week of school Isaac broke his foot. Poor kid, I'm sure he's in for more.