Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December, A Blur!

C.C. spent hours on the roof putting up lights for us this year!
Evan and Isaac were on a Nerf mission!
Vinny's favorite place to hang out and have a sunbath.
Bad picture but Sabrina had a dance performance at school.
Trying to get FeeBee to pose in the cookie jar! She wasn't a fan!
Isaac has had a problem with warts on the bottom of his feet. The nurse asked him if he had named this one!
Some snow showed up for a little sledding.
I helped in Isaac's class when they made candy houses. It was fun to see him interact with the other kids in his class.
Travis, Sabrina, and I got to take a trip to San Jose and enjoy some of our old friends. Sab went to her friend Laurens house, went to the old school, and hung out with some of her pals. I got to see all of my favorites too, not all of them but some. I got to have lunch with Debbie and get caught up with her.
We were SOOOO lucky to be apart of John and Becky's wedding reception. She is one of our favorite young ladies that we used to get to spend alot of time with but she had to grow up and go to college. She seems so happy and we are so glad that she found such a great guy to spend the rest of her life with.
I got to have lunch with Tanya at our favorite spot, that neither one of us has been to since last time we were there together. Cheesecake Factory. We ended up spending over three hours just chatting. It's great to have friends that you never run out of things to talk about.
The beautiful, glowing bride!
Lynette was home this time when I showed up to surprise her. I miss her driving by my house with a big smile and honking!
Britta is another one of my sweet Young Women that was getting married the next weekend and my pal Sheila. Never a dull moment when she's around!
The main reason that I got to go to California, the company Christmas party. A very nice meal and then off to lazer tag! It was alot of fun and nice of them to invite me. Poor me, had to go! NOT!!
After several delays Sabrina and I made it home late and celebrated Nick's birthday and Christmas with Nick and Heather, since they were heading to Texas for the holiday!
I thought this was so funny when it came home in Isaac's homework folder. It was the week before's spelling homework. He apparently wasn't happy with the first staple, or the next, or the next...
Opppps, I did it again. McKayla thought she needed a brother for Vinny and had quite the delivery on the pitch! It was hilarious and not one that you could resist. Plus she is the best mom and these little boys adore her. Seriously, it's kind of pathetic. When she goes to school, Vinny sits by the door and cries for a few minutes then runs downstairs to her room and sits in his kennel until she comes back. It's almost like he's pouting. It's cute!
When we went to look at this little black guy, I feel in love too and of course couldn't just leave him there. Vinny really likes him and they play alot then nap together. Vinny has lost a few pounds from all the running around from this little guy. Dax can hold his own though, he's quite the wrestler. McKayla doesn't have enough lap for both of them though but she sure tries.
The traditional Gingerbread houses, we added a train this year.
My mom came for a quick visit and wanted to go see the lights at Temple Square. It was freezing and there were a million people but it is beautiful to see year after year.
I just love this! Beautiful!
Sabrina was in need of getting her tonsils removed and after two months of them being giant we went for it. She was seriously MISERABLE for a good 9 days. She is doing better now and starting to eat some real food. She lost 9 pounds, not that she had that much to loose in the first place. She has a list of food to eat when she is back in business.
Dax crawled in McKayla's sweatshirt like this on his own. He's a snuggler, or a mama's boy!
Isaac drank the last of the Apple Juice so I asked him to put the container in the dishwasher. This is what I found the next day AFTER I ran it. HMMMMM, never thought to give more instructions about maybe taking to top off. It was a great way to start the day though. I love the joy and laughter that little boy brings me.