Sunday, June 22, 2008

Strawberry Days

Thought we needed to check out the festivities for
Strawberry Days and it was as I thought.
Low lifes running the gross rides and booths.
I told them we were just here for the food. After snow cones
funnel cake, strawberries and cream and a pretzel,
we headed for a few rides before heading to the car for some
cooling off, it was only 95 degrees that day

Lame roller coaster but it went around like 90 times.

Isaac was hoping to be able to get his drivers licence after

this one, he was a little disappointed.


Alison said...

I didn't even know about Strawberry Days! Is it Plesant Grove or what?

I used to love carnival rides when I was a kid. The lowlifes would usually let you go around a million times, like you said. It was a blast.

Looks like you guys had a great time. You're such a good mom!

Melinda said...

Ahhh, you're a great mom. It looks like the kids had a great time! The strawberry treats sound yummy.