Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Perfect Day!

Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson coming out of the temple.
The temple ceremony was really beautiful and very touching for all of us in the room. The sealer made it extremely personal to them.

All the happy couples.
The Ferg family. Tegan is up in the background, he looked so funny and like he was photo-shopped in.
Heather and the flower girls.
Nick and Summer
The Ferg kids all dressed for the occacion.
C.C. and Ashley getting an extra squeeze in.
The happy couple at the luncheon.
The table decorations, the kids set it all up while we were all at the temple. They did such a great job.
The Reception was set up so beautifully and it was so much fun. The kids really planned it all out so great and really had some fun and quality things that they made happen. They seemed to really be able to enjoy the day and not just feel stressed.

Isaac and Isabelle, mini's. They were so cute.

Sab and Brooklyn manning the gift table.
I found a few of my handsome men for a quick picture.

C.C., Diane, and Ryan at the reception.
We had such a nice time and appreciated everyone who came and took time to drive such a long way to support the kids. It was really a special day for all of us and we feel really blessed to have inherited such a great daughter and her family.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Ummmm...I'm guessing "the perfect pear?" Way cute! Finally a picture of Mac! I guess she couldn't really protest the wedding photos...and look at that perfect pair...Mr & Mrs Nick Ferg. Congrats - sounds like it was the perfect event. love you guys!

lynbar said...

Yeaaaayyyyyy! I've been checking every day since Friday to see some photos. I'm so glad it was such a nice day and everyone was able to enjoy themselves. These are the start of many happy memories!

Coslett's said...

Hi Kelly.....was that just not the most perfect wedding ever! All the planning IE stress was worth it! I love that my daughter is married to the most wonderful young man!!! I feel so blessed! My dream has come true for my daughter one down three to go! Anyway thanks for all your hard work and the luncheon was perfect! See you soon! love kim

Unknown said...

We have heard many good things about the beautiful wedding and reception. We feel bad that we couldn't make it. Thanks for sharing the pictures - they are a very cute couple!

Jill said...

Kelly, everything looked so great! the table centerpieces, decorations, the brides dress! I loved the flower girl's hairbands and you looked beautiful also! congratulations!!

Melinda said...

What a beautiful couple. You and Travis looked pretty darn spiffy yourselves...and I got to see McKayla in a picture...whoohoo! Great pictures of everybody. It looks like a beautiful wedding, I'm so happy for them and for you guys.