Friday, October 3, 2008

Things Are Always Interesting

I had a collection of random funny pictures so here goes.
Isaac has been jamming out every night and this is how we find him every night when we go to bed. Sleeping to a little Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney.
Shopping for dresses, Sab asked if this looked good on her.
Assembling the invatiations. It was fun and crazy, you can tell by the look on Sabs face. I told Ashley, McKayla, and Sab that there was to be NO ASSEMBING required when it was their turn, they get one thing and one envelope to cram it into. JK! I would do it all over again, not sure that THEY would but they really turned out beatiful.
Sabs old grill!
Sabs new tin grill. She and Ren are on the same schedule so it's fun to meet up at the Ortho, I know pathetic but it's fun.
C.C. getting his EEG, he has been having dizzy spells and passing out so we are still working on finding some answers. Either that or it's dreadlocks gone wrong!
Travis got new glasses and while we waited Isaac went exploring behind the counter and came up with these. Way hot, they were almost as thick as his.
I was trying on a dress for the wedding and all the ladies outside of the dressing room were laughing when they would walk by. I came out and here was my sweet, totally and completely BORED son finding a great way to entertain himself and everyone else in the store. Sab ended up with about a half a box of these too just for everyday life.

I LOVE MY CAMERA, having it in my purse is the absolute best thing ever, well, almost, but really convienent for all these great shots that are spur of the moment.

P.S. McKayla is still refusing to be photographed just in case you were wondering what the heck has happened to her.

P.S.S.We also had a great weekend with some of our old friends from San Jose that we realized how much we missed. We saw Ty, wow, he's so handsome and grown up but still Ty. We loved seeing him and were glad he had a few minutes that he could come see us, thanks Ty, you're still the bomb. And we got to see Paul and Jenny and Terri and Ben and their cute little bucket of smiles. They were sweet enough to also make time to stop by for a visit. We got to hold the baby and get some great advise on being a grandparent. I love Paul and Jenny and miss Jenny and being around her sweet and happy self. I learned so much from her over the years, FYI for her kids, she does know stuff even though you thought she didn't. Haha. Love ya Mid-Carts, thanks for coming to visit, we hope we get to see you more.

P.S.S.S.- Stay tuned for C.C.'s GQ model shots, his senior pictures.


Alison said...

Love all the pics! Thanks for sharing!

Oh...and...ahem... you were tagged on "someone's" blog. Get on that, would ya?

Melinda said...

I can't believe that you guys MADE all of those beautiful invitations. Can you still stand the sight of them after doing so many? They turned out beautifully! Tell Sabrina the dress is a little high on her neck, ha, ha! And wow, what's going on with CC? Hope everything is okay. We miss you guys, as always. Your lives are never boring.

Melinda said...

P.S. McKayla, PLEASE be in a picture so I can see you! For all I know you're 6 feet tall now!

The Horners said...

It was great seeing you guys too! I'll see if I can get McKayla to take a picture with me when I see you guys again! And when will that be? I might just show up one of these days!