Sunday, December 21, 2008

Readers Theatre

The 2nd grade sang a few songs for the parents, Isaac did great and didn't get all giggly.Then they read some plays and Isaac was the king and was very animated with his parts.
He was ticked after his play because the narrator skipped half of his parts. But we redeamed the day by checking him out of school early. He thought he scored big.
It was kind of sad because the little kid cute stuff is coming to a close. :( We will enjoy it while it's still here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Classic Ferguson's

Travis was cracking everyone up so bad, it really set a great tone for taking the pictures. This was one of the first pictures that Ashely took and I think we were all caught so off gaurd, it was an awesome way to start out the night.
There is a whole lot of stuff going on in this one. The Nick, Heather, and Sab thing is so cute. I'm guessing that Travis invited McKayla to hug him or something and she was disgusted and I'm laughing at her. Isaac is in his own little world and C.C. is just all GQ!
Travis wanted a turn to choose a pose! He's so creative!
This one is just plain sweet, a cute snap shot.
AWWWWWW ! All so different!
I really love this one! It shows how sweet Travis really is to me.
Don't let the fire hydrant throw you off!
This is my all time favorite! I am totally laughing out loud every time I look at this one! It is so obvious that Isaac just pulled some silly stunt and he and C.C. are communicating about it. It is just so funny and totally captures our household daily. Isaac does or says something silly or naughty and everyone either laughs or parents. I love it though. Good times.
I'm so happy to have such a fun family! I love each and every member of my family, even the newest one!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Family Is So Big!

The "annual family fight" for family pictures went off without a huge blow up. I know, sad, but it ususally turns out that everyone is ticked off for pictures. This year I texted everyone about two weeks ahead of time and told them what, when, and what to wear part. That way I was not in the direct line of fire when they started venting about how much they hate it every year. Travis was trying so hard to smile for them all he was making us all laugh! The main family pic is still under construction so more to come. It was fun, Ashley took the pictures and since evecryone loves Ashley it worked out great. Thanks Ashley!
The Ladies!

The Men!

The Kids!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This is the extent of my pics for Thanksgiving! We had a quiet day here and ate like pigs. Then we enjoyed the evening with the Harmons, they came over and watched a few movies and we got caught up until around two a.m. It was a big night, Janet stayed awake for two movies in a row. In the thirteen years we have known her that is a first!
McKayla, Isaac, and Sabrina made this out of clay. Pretty creative and a great way to spend a sunday evening together. Isaac mostly just watched and maybe threw out a few ideas.

Texas Ya'll

The second half of the reception was in Texas in Heather's hometown. It was a really fun weekend and everyone loved being there. We took Sabrina and Isaac with us and they were a blast. We played games and ate and ...ate and talked and really got a chance to get to know the Coslett's more. They were gracious enough to have us all stay there and let us eat their food. We got to sleep in the basement which has a spiral staircase leading down to it, the kids thought that was the absolute best thing ever and it was the most sleep we all got in years.

Heather's Aunt and Uncle were nice enough to open their home to us for the Open House. It was a beautiful home and they were so nice. The kids had a good steady crowd come through but not nearly as exciting as the one here in Utah. It was good to put faces with names though finally.

The happy couple taking advantage of a few quiet moments. Standing in line talking to people you don't know is exhausting! JK

Heather's sister Celeste is now Isaac's new obsession. She was so sweet to him over the weekend, he is just all smitten with her and asked me if he could marry her several times. Poor Ashley, she's been dumped. He told us all that C.C. could have Ashley now, he loves Celeste now. He does have an eye for really great girls, they are just generally alot older than him.

This was the beautiful sky on the way home in the plane, Sab took this.
Thanks for the great time in Texas all ya'll Coslett's!