Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Family Is So Big!

The "annual family fight" for family pictures went off without a huge blow up. I know, sad, but it ususally turns out that everyone is ticked off for pictures. This year I texted everyone about two weeks ahead of time and told them what, when, and what to wear part. That way I was not in the direct line of fire when they started venting about how much they hate it every year. Travis was trying so hard to smile for them all he was making us all laugh! The main family pic is still under construction so more to come. It was fun, Ashley took the pictures and since evecryone loves Ashley it worked out great. Thanks Ashley!
The Ladies!

The Men!

The Kids!


Coslett's said...

oh my gosh kelly these are so dang cute! love it!!!! helps to have a great family though!

Serena said...

Oh How precious!!

Melinda said...

You've got some great family pics there! Travis looks good with a smile!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Grown up, maybe...BIG? Not even close! Great pix!