Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Secret Life of...C.C.'s Hair

C.C. has had almost every hair style there is in the last few years so I thought it would be fun to share.
The flat straight in your face look, my least favorite, I could never see his strong face. (2 summers ago)
The biker bandana look, I loved the bandana on him, not everyone can pull this look off.
The relaxed curl look, I liked this alot, his handsome face was back. (last summer)
The hat head, for those days when he did not want to fix the hair.
Getting longer, going for the Mathew McConay look, awesome. (last October)
Dreads, we did these three times before we figured out how to do it right. Kinda weird but not horrible. ( before Christmas)
Back to the Mathew McConay look, very handsome.
Time to go a little shorter for the internship. Still looking great! (January)Just plain sick of fixing his hair, even more than last week gets cut. (February)
Present hair style today. He doesn't look all that happy for the picture but he is happy about his low maintenance hair.
Although each hair style was different he seemed to still be very handsome through out each trial stage. Gotta love C.C., I do. I still can't believe he's 18. Yikes!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Travis!

We started celebrating his Birthday on sunday with Rob and Alison and the boys, plus baby girl in the oven. They are always so fun to get together with and we love having them live close.
Alison and Sabrina Marie, Sab gave herself a middle name if case anyone wanted to know.
We had Salmon and Chocolate fountain, what else do you need?
Loving our dad! He's the best. I'm so glad his mom had him, we are all so lucky. He always tells me I should call her and thank her instead of wishing him a Happy Birthday.

Heather, Kim, Janet, and Phill. Tell us how you really feel Janet.
Ivette and Marissa
Phill sharing the love.
Party hardy!
Tristin on her new ride and Nick scoring a hug from Janet.
Grandpa Dean making friends with FeeBee, Grandma wouldn't let him bring his dog Eddie.
We had a great time with all of our friends and family.
Thanks for helping us all celebrate Travis.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day!

Travis suprised me the night before Valentine's with this massive bouquet of roses in this beautiful, huge vase. He was so sweet and put it all together himself, even added the rocks in the bottom of the vase. He said he was going to fill it with M&M's but he couldn't find a fake flower so he went for the real thing. Beyond so thoughtful and sweet. We woke up to Sabrina's Cafe! She had prepared a menu and the works. We placed our order and she cooked exactly what we asked for, Isaac ordered 9, yes 9, strips of bacon with his breakfast. It was definately a nice treat and then she brought us the bill and we paid with the Monopoly money that she gave us when we sat down. Notice the magnetic clip on the bottom of the microwave, that is where she hung our order while she cooked it.
Then we opened Travis' birthday gift and hung out in our Pj's all day until Travis and I went to the movie. We saw "Just Not That Interested" or whatever it's called. I was not impressed, some funny parts but mostly lame and stupid. Don't waste your hard earned cash on it.
It was still a nice day and very sweet of my honey to treat me to all the nice things he did and thank goodness for Sab, she always makes things nice.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Case Of The Uglies!

So I was out shopping around for a late birthday gift, for one of my favorite people, and I came across more ugly stuff than I have ever seen before in stores. The recession is really effecting the ordering for businesses apparently.
This must be the frog that needed to be kissed by the beautiful princess.
I still can not even figure out what in the heck this is. Very ugly old man? And then the chicken with the giant poka dot bow is just weird.
These are just plain out of place, they belong in California or somewhere on the coast. Who decorates beachy in Utah?
These things are really kinda creapy, I think they were the rejects from the CHUCKY films.
Ducks? I don't get ducks, not cute.
Still wondering what happened to all the cute Home Decor stuff that Utah has been producing. Let me know when you find some.
Don't worry birthday girl, none of these will be your gift. Whew!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random 365 Pictures

Sab checked out this cool thing from the school library, it's like an I-POD, so she could listen to the book and follow along. I was sneaking up on her in the kitchen and I heard some sniffing, she was at the sad part in Bridge to Terabithia. :(
We got to have Ren for the weekend while his parents were off having fun, JK. We had a sweet game of Monopoly that lasted for two days and we all got creamed by Ren. We HAD to LET him win, he was the guest! NOT!
McKayla ordered this for Isaac like a month before Chrsitmas from a cereal box and it finally came. It is actually really cute, it's way soft and it has some velcro squares so it can be a hands-free cape. He was a fan, plus he FINALLY got some mail.
I have driven by this house so many times and laugh every time so I took the opportunity to have it be my picture of the day. Total REDNECK! You might be a Redneck if... you have a cab of a truck on your roof.
This is a sweatshirt that was mine when I was 15 years old from a school I went to for the summer in Hawaii. The sweatshirt showed up and I passed it on to McKayla several years ago and she has worn everything out of it. She still wears it and it is her favorite sweatshirt in the world. She says it is the softest and most comfortable thing she owns. Travis has offered her $200 for her to give it up, not going to happen, too much love there. Look closely at the sleeves.