Friday, February 13, 2009

A Case Of The Uglies!

So I was out shopping around for a late birthday gift, for one of my favorite people, and I came across more ugly stuff than I have ever seen before in stores. The recession is really effecting the ordering for businesses apparently.
This must be the frog that needed to be kissed by the beautiful princess.
I still can not even figure out what in the heck this is. Very ugly old man? And then the chicken with the giant poka dot bow is just weird.
These are just plain out of place, they belong in California or somewhere on the coast. Who decorates beachy in Utah?
These things are really kinda creapy, I think they were the rejects from the CHUCKY films.
Ducks? I don't get ducks, not cute.
Still wondering what happened to all the cute Home Decor stuff that Utah has been producing. Let me know when you find some.
Don't worry birthday girl, none of these will be your gift. Whew!

1 comment:

Alison said...

LOL! These things cracked me up!