Monday, May 4, 2009

Prom 2009

C.C. decided it was time he took part in a prom, last chance.So he asked his beautiful girlfriend Haylee to go with him.
Camree, Josh, C.C., and Haylee
Handsome Friends
The Whole Gang!
Not sure why they had the kids do this but everyone does for pictures I have noticed, weird.
So Cute!!!!!!! Off for a great night!


The Horners said...

What a handsome young man! He looks like a ladies man. Haha. Cute pics.

Jill said...

I love looking at Prom pictures! CC is all grown up. He looks so handsome.

The McGraths said...

Wow, CC went to prom! Cuteness!

Summer Mortensen said...

Aww....i can't believe that he's a senior! Where's the little C.C. i remember?? The picts are cute, i hope he had a great time. Such a handsome kid!