Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Broken Little Man

We started with this.
Then it became this!
Then we needed one of these!
Then it went to this!
Ten minutes after we got back from the picture above, we ended up with this!
This is where we are now.
Remember that neither of these came about because of anything major, just dumb things that normally would not have hurt anyone else. Thanks to my genes I am assuming that he has what I had as a child. Sorry buddy!


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

What is it with you Ferg's & casts? How many did Nicky have? Maybe it's environmental & not genetic? You know, the whole "doing dumb stuff" excuse...sorry Isaac, feel better. Sending you a hug.

The McGraths said...

Clumsiness is a pain in the BUTT! Poor guy!!!