Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy OLD - Day To Me!

I woke up to this, from my friends the Harmons!
They are way sneaky. As it warmed up the balloons started popping. The neighbors thought we had started on the 4th early.
Travis was in California so he surprised me with this giant bouquet which was so heavy I could hardly carry them in. They looked like they belonged in a lobby of a fancy hotel, they were so beautiful. Eat your heart out everyone.... wow!!!!!! My husband spoils me!
I had a breakfast date with Jodi, who was secretly plotting with the kids to decorate the garage while we were gone. Then I had a lunch date with Janet and Carrie, it was Carrie's birthday on sunday. We have all been friends for almost 15 years. Then Phill and Janet made us all dinner and the girls made the cake and Sab decorated it.
Travis "pimped my ride" for me and here is the final product. Georgeous! It is so much MORE fun to ride with the new handlebars. I love the wheels and tires too, just a huge fan! Plus he got me new bags that I will be able to put more than just a sweatshirt in. He really takes care of me and spoils me like crazy!!!
As depressed as I was to turn 40.... eeeek, it was a great day and it carried into the weekend with Travis coming home and another party on sunday with family and friends. Life is good!


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

WOW! I'd be happy with the roses...but the hog looks great!!! You really are spoiled, but it couldn't happen to a nicer friend. Glad this milestone was a good one we love you...(& really miss you.)

The McGraths said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! Looks ike everyone is taking good care of you in your old age! :)

The Horners said...

HOLY ROSES! Glad you had a great birthday!

Jill said...

Happy birthday!! Loved the roses...

The Holyoaks said...

You're only 10 years older than me?! I'm not shocked because you look old or anything. I've already told you how you look younger with every picture I see. I just never knew this. LOVE the roses and if I knew anything about bikes I would LOVE that too. Happy Birthday!

(Look at all the comments from my family. We must love you.)

Jill said...

hey--did you fall off the face of the earth?? it's time to blog! or maybe you're just having such a fun summer there's no time...