Tuesday, September 1, 2009


One of the new kids on the block, McKayla got two new ducks from a friend.
Since Isaac drank from the carton McKayla figured she needed to label the jug.
Target practice with a BB gun. Poor Mr. Egg.
A snake that McKayla stepped on while she was running at night.
The drill got left out and this is what we found screwed to the wall.
First day of 3rd grade
Sabrina swallowed her fears and rode a horse, 2 years after breaking her back because of a horse.
One of the favorite pics from our visit to the Barn at Thanksgiving Point.
McKayla is trying to talk us into one of these to add to the barnyard.
We went school shopping in Park City and had a great time.
I asked Isaac to break up the old duck pool so I could throw it away. He argued until I suggested he get the hatchet out to do the job. (That is a decoy by the way)
We went on a Harley ride to Mirror Lake. Travis was in CA so C.C. went with us.
Sabrina and Mallories new look.
After the first week of school Isaac broke his foot. Poor kid, I'm sure he's in for more.


KaraLyn said...

This was quite an entertaining blog post Kelly! Looks like there is never a dull moment in your house! I especially like the hornet on the screw! :D

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Holy Cow...you are so random! (I think that is what I love most about you!) I especially love how Isaac is following in his brother's (Nick's) "cast" steps! He has a few broken bones to go to catch up with Nicky. Get that boy some milk to strengthen those bones! Love you guys!

Jill said...

gross bug on a screw! so sad that Isaac broke his foot. poor guy. always exciting at your house! I didn't know that Sab broke her back 2 years ago...:(