Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monster Trucks

Isaac and his buddy Logan!

Sabrina and McKayla not a huge fan of my picture taking! Too bad, haha!

C.C. and his friend Savanna!

Let the kayos begin!
Motorcycles too!
Seriously loud!
Oh ya! That's why we came. The finale! Sailing over or more like across the school bus!
The E Center really wasn't big enough for a really awesome show so it was kinda lame but still fun to go to and people watch! Travis was really enjoying himself and helped us all to enjoy it even more!


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

You guys just crack me up! I sure miss you.

California Crapos said...

Kelly! I can't believe we made it onto your blog! We're famous! Also, I'm glowing because I am in desperate need of a TAN. :) Good to "hear" from you. We miss you guys!!

Jill said...

you guys are so lucky!! my kids would die to go to a monster truck show. how fun for Isaac!

Summer Mortensen said...

I'm STILL way bummed that we had to bail and couldn't go with you guys that night! :( Looks like fun!!