Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We headed to Boise to attend Ryan's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. He did a great job in earning his Eagle at the age of 16.
Diane and I had to have our silly BFF picture.
Just chilling at the house, of course McKayla and Ryan were avoiding the camera.
This was the big project. They were recycling bins for the Foothill Learning Center. They did a really cool job on them, my picture doesn't to them justice plus there were several of them that were made.
The big honors from both of his parents.
Diane has this beautiful cake made for the occasion. It was made from fondant and that part was pure decoration but the cake was delicious.
My brother Scott (one of his scout leaders), Ryan, and my mom's cousin Steve from San Diego. Steve is also an Eagle Scout and had a part in the ceremony.
Vinny wanted to make sure he was safe in the car for the ride home.

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