Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mortensens Came To Town

Mark has been working out of town all week so Summer decided to make a trip down while he was gone. We had an absolute blast together. We made some posters for church with the Cricut, which is always fun. We hung out and went shopping for family picture outfits. We stayed up WAY too late chatting. I love spending time with her and the boys. Gramma is a huge fan. :) Who knew this could be so much fun!

Tegan was being so funny about the umbrella, a total little boy. He wanted to know how it worked and what you had to do to make it work. I love it.
It was kind of weird weather but the boys wanted to play in the sprinkler. They got all creative with Linkins frisbee.
The dog was waiting for his turn but he hates the water so the boys knew they were safe from him.
Bridger trying to get a little drink.
Poor little man was so cold his lips were blue and he was shivering away but he kept going back in for more. Didn't want to miss out.
I really enjoy it when they come to visit, it's never enough.

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