Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Travis surprised me with this beautiful set up! HUGE screen, keyboard, and mouse. I am so excited to start on some new picture projects with my new equipment! He is always SO good to me, he likes me to have all I need to do the things I love! Great man I have!
I pitched the idea of leaving on the bikes thursday at midnight! It all went well with Travis leaving work early and off we went headed to Idaho Falls about 3pm. It was a beautiful ride and sunny. We spent the night with my Aunt Karen and Uncle Jerry! I thought it was fitting that I spend my dads birthday with his sister. They are so much fun and we can't wait to back! Travis said he would have been happy spending the whole weekend with them. On Saturday we went to the Farmers Markets and enjoyed checking all the stuff they had. Then off we headed to Driggs to see my dads airplane and motorcycle. The ride there was beautiful through Swan valley and over Pine Creek Pass. It was hard to be there and see his things without him in them. Sure miss that man.
Then we headed over the hill to my moms. She had made a birthday cake for me and made this arrangement of gorgeous flowers from her garden. So thoughtful. When she was lighting the candles I realized that the wooden angel candle holders, which I forgot to take a picture of, were the same ones that were on my first birthday cake! How sweet! We had a nice time with her, we walked all over the ranch and explored the barn and the bunkhouse, more pictures next post! We also went over to the cemetery to see my dads grave. Very odd thing to do but wanted to see it since the last time it was a mud hole and surrounded by snow.
Wyoming has not gotten the memo that it is summertime so we bundled up and headed for the home the long way down Snake River Canyon. It was an amazing ride, it is so built up and such a different place now. I loved the ride down to Fairview to see my buddy Kelly.
Kelly and Kelly, best friends always. It's like we have seen each other everyday for the last 30 years when I see her. She is one of those people that you feel so proud to have in your life and grateful for the strength she gives me.

From there we headed home. It went from 55 degrees to 75 within 20 minutes when we were coming into Salt Lake. I love these trips with my husband, the time is always precious to me. Thanks for a great birthday weekend.


Heather said...

That's awesome that you got to get away with your hubby. I love that kind of stuff. That's so fun you got to go to Jackson and see your dad's grave and see your mom too. I love Jackson Hole. It's so pretty there. It sounds like you had a blast! ps- I LOVE love that you guys have turned into a MAC family!! love it! :)

Sheila said...

You look good in black!