Sunday, December 21, 2008

Readers Theatre

The 2nd grade sang a few songs for the parents, Isaac did great and didn't get all giggly.Then they read some plays and Isaac was the king and was very animated with his parts.
He was ticked after his play because the narrator skipped half of his parts. But we redeamed the day by checking him out of school early. He thought he scored big.
It was kind of sad because the little kid cute stuff is coming to a close. :( We will enjoy it while it's still here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Classic Ferguson's

Travis was cracking everyone up so bad, it really set a great tone for taking the pictures. This was one of the first pictures that Ashely took and I think we were all caught so off gaurd, it was an awesome way to start out the night.
There is a whole lot of stuff going on in this one. The Nick, Heather, and Sab thing is so cute. I'm guessing that Travis invited McKayla to hug him or something and she was disgusted and I'm laughing at her. Isaac is in his own little world and C.C. is just all GQ!
Travis wanted a turn to choose a pose! He's so creative!
This one is just plain sweet, a cute snap shot.
AWWWWWW ! All so different!
I really love this one! It shows how sweet Travis really is to me.
Don't let the fire hydrant throw you off!
This is my all time favorite! I am totally laughing out loud every time I look at this one! It is so obvious that Isaac just pulled some silly stunt and he and C.C. are communicating about it. It is just so funny and totally captures our household daily. Isaac does or says something silly or naughty and everyone either laughs or parents. I love it though. Good times.
I'm so happy to have such a fun family! I love each and every member of my family, even the newest one!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Family Is So Big!

The "annual family fight" for family pictures went off without a huge blow up. I know, sad, but it ususally turns out that everyone is ticked off for pictures. This year I texted everyone about two weeks ahead of time and told them what, when, and what to wear part. That way I was not in the direct line of fire when they started venting about how much they hate it every year. Travis was trying so hard to smile for them all he was making us all laugh! The main family pic is still under construction so more to come. It was fun, Ashley took the pictures and since evecryone loves Ashley it worked out great. Thanks Ashley!
The Ladies!

The Men!

The Kids!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This is the extent of my pics for Thanksgiving! We had a quiet day here and ate like pigs. Then we enjoyed the evening with the Harmons, they came over and watched a few movies and we got caught up until around two a.m. It was a big night, Janet stayed awake for two movies in a row. In the thirteen years we have known her that is a first!
McKayla, Isaac, and Sabrina made this out of clay. Pretty creative and a great way to spend a sunday evening together. Isaac mostly just watched and maybe threw out a few ideas.

Texas Ya'll

The second half of the reception was in Texas in Heather's hometown. It was a really fun weekend and everyone loved being there. We took Sabrina and Isaac with us and they were a blast. We played games and ate and ...ate and talked and really got a chance to get to know the Coslett's more. They were gracious enough to have us all stay there and let us eat their food. We got to sleep in the basement which has a spiral staircase leading down to it, the kids thought that was the absolute best thing ever and it was the most sleep we all got in years.

Heather's Aunt and Uncle were nice enough to open their home to us for the Open House. It was a beautiful home and they were so nice. The kids had a good steady crowd come through but not nearly as exciting as the one here in Utah. It was good to put faces with names though finally.

The happy couple taking advantage of a few quiet moments. Standing in line talking to people you don't know is exhausting! JK

Heather's sister Celeste is now Isaac's new obsession. She was so sweet to him over the weekend, he is just all smitten with her and asked me if he could marry her several times. Poor Ashley, she's been dumped. He told us all that C.C. could have Ashley now, he loves Celeste now. He does have an eye for really great girls, they are just generally alot older than him.

This was the beautiful sky on the way home in the plane, Sab took this.
Thanks for the great time in Texas all ya'll Coslett's!

Monday, November 24, 2008

One More Cub Scout!

Isaac has been so excited to start Cub Scouts after he was baptized. Since he started he has been crazy about earning badges and so here we are at Pack Night getting his Bobcat. He was on a count down for when Pack Night was all month and then the second we got home he went to the calendar to see when the next one was. The next day he was looking through his book looking for the next thing to pass off.
It was weird sitting there with all of our big kids at a Pack Night and realizing that it is all coming to a close. It was kinda sad but fun to know that all the kids are so big now and on to different and new things. I made sure that everyone was there and so did Isaac, he made some calls. It was about time that everyone else came to support him in something. We all know how the littleset kid gets drug around to all the other childrens' activities so it was really nice to have them all there to support him. Isaac was really proud and happy that everyone was there, it meant alot to him.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Long Forgotten Halloween

Apparently I have neglected sharing about Halloween, not that it was way special or anything.It's a good thing we still have Sab and Isaac to remind us to enjoy these kinds of holidays. They helped decorate the porch and made sure all 5 bags or web were put out. I forgot to get a picture of the giant web that covered the huge window and the witch that looked like she crashed into the window.
Our beautiful creations, the barfing one is Travis' and these are all from our garden.

My little Ninja, I had one of these before but it has been a very long time. It was fun to again get to trick or treat in our neighborhood and enjoy that with the kids. There was an awesome spook alley around the corner that was really fun and scary. That family really went all out and they do it every year.

Sab and her friend, she had the face of The Joker but the rest was up to your imagination. C.C. dressed up as The Joker also and he looked so cool cuz his hair was so much like The Jokers. I hate the fact that Heath "Yummy" Ledger is gone. :( I also enjoyed the fact that it wasn't freezing cold and the kids could wear their costumes without a few extra layers.

This was the first snow on Novemeber 5th. It was so exciting and fun but only lasted a few short days. I'm sure there is much more to come.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Merry Christmas?

I know I'm jumping the gun with the Christmas stuff and all but I came across this picture a week or so ago and I had to share it. And since I changed my background to Christmas I figured they could go up together. This is a yard in Lehi. I drove by this last year and thought it was the funniest thing I had seen in forever. I can just picture some older man out putting it up every year with a chuckle. I love the sense of humor of people.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Best Husband EVER!

Last year for Christmas, beacause we were so broke, Travis gave everyone something special with him and my gift was a trip on the Harleys to Vegas. We took the last possible weekend that MIGHT be warm and headed off. We were absolutely freezing the first two hours but then it warmed up and by the time we got there we were shedding all riding layers we could. We spent 4 days away and it was so much fun and a much needed time of rest after all the wedding festivities and the last few crazy months of life.

We stayed at the Excalibur, very cool and full of the Vegas nightlife. Cured my wanting to ever start smoking again, we were all sick by the second night of eating around all the smoking and just walking through the Casino's. It is surely a different life than most people have seen or probably ever been around, especially if you have never lived in a big city or near one. Travis is definately a city kid, for sure. Rob and Alison meet us down there for a few days and showed us the good buffetts and other cool places to go. I think that there are so many things to see there that you could go 50 times and still never enjoy all that there is.
We hit the Belagio the first morning and then hung out for the water show. The food was amazing. I got hooked on eggs benidict, I used to love that and hadn't had it for years.

The water show was unreal. I was watching it wondering how they make it all work. It was really wild and amazing how far they can shoot the water and how they designed it to all look so cool together doing so many different things within the 10 minute show that it was.
We caught a limo home one night from downtown after watching the light show there. Rob and Alison are so much fun to go with on trips, thanks for making our trip fun. :) It was so nice to just walk around and look at whatever we wanted and not have a kid nagging about being hungry or bored or needing to pee or that they wanted you to drop a hundred dollars on them for something stupid toy that they would hate by the time you got home.
Rob and Alison headed home after another awesome buffett sunday morning so we headed for Hoover Dam on the Harley's. It was so hot out, like 95', and there was a ton of traffic as we got closer but once we got there it was really beautiful. It is so amaxing how they constructed the dam and how the men back then had the knowledge to make something so important in such a quality way. This is right on the border of Nevada and Arizona which is still so weird to me. I said to Travis, "Hey, isn't this where Selma had her baby?" "Fools Rush In", ya I know, random.

This picture is on the other side where they are constructing another awesome structure to by-pass the actual dam. You can see the beginning of the arch, it was cool. Travis was like a kid and had to drop a few pennies off the dam to see it fall to its death and to never be used again.

All in all it was a great trip and we were not all that excited to get home except to sleep in our own bed. We did stop off at Joe Bandito's in Springville for the Aloha Casadilla, you will need to have one if you never have. It's a dive but the food is great. So did I mention how lucky I am to have the best husband ever? He really is so good to me and after almost 20 years of being married, we couldn't be happier!!!! Just what every girl dreams of when she gets married!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Sab!

Since my side of the family was all here we decided to go cruise through Gardner's Village hoping it would be a good way to celebrate Sab's birthday the day after the wedding and enjoying each other while we were checking out the Halloween festivities. Some of us enjoyed ourselves, some a little too much, but all in all we had a nice time even though we all felt like we were in coma's.

Isaac and Ryan had the most fun together, they couldn't pass up a shot with McGruff.

Just hanging out at the can, they've got some skills.
Diane and I had a blast. We shopped and looked at purses and jewelry, what more could a girl want than hangin' with her best bud. Even Scott, my brother, and Travis were shopping with us and enjoying it as much as they could.
This is my parents, they are the one's that I thought would enjoy it the most but I'm sure had the worst time.

Sab is blazing the trail for the witch.

Then on sunday we had some friends over for dinner to celebrate again Sab's birthday and she wanted to have pineapple-upside down cake. For a girl that doesn't branch out much on her food groups, I was shocked she wanted this. Of course the pineapple got put to the side and the rest got chowed down. We also kidnapped her from primary at church and brought her into Young Womens. Yes, Jenny, no more achievment days. :( She was so happy to come into YW, mostly because the primary program was the week after her birthday, but of course she was way ready. She's already been working on her Personal Progress, way cute. Happy Birthday Sab! You're the best! Travis always says, "Sab, you're in my top 5 kids!" She gets it but still loves it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Perfect Day!

Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson coming out of the temple.
The temple ceremony was really beautiful and very touching for all of us in the room. The sealer made it extremely personal to them.

All the happy couples.
The Ferg family. Tegan is up in the background, he looked so funny and like he was photo-shopped in.
Heather and the flower girls.
Nick and Summer
The Ferg kids all dressed for the occacion.
C.C. and Ashley getting an extra squeeze in.
The happy couple at the luncheon.
The table decorations, the kids set it all up while we were all at the temple. They did such a great job.
The Reception was set up so beautifully and it was so much fun. The kids really planned it all out so great and really had some fun and quality things that they made happen. They seemed to really be able to enjoy the day and not just feel stressed.

Isaac and Isabelle, mini's. They were so cute.

Sab and Brooklyn manning the gift table.
I found a few of my handsome men for a quick picture.

C.C., Diane, and Ryan at the reception.
We had such a nice time and appreciated everyone who came and took time to drive such a long way to support the kids. It was really a special day for all of us and we feel really blessed to have inherited such a great daughter and her family.