Monday, December 8, 2008

Texas Ya'll

The second half of the reception was in Texas in Heather's hometown. It was a really fun weekend and everyone loved being there. We took Sabrina and Isaac with us and they were a blast. We played games and ate and ...ate and talked and really got a chance to get to know the Coslett's more. They were gracious enough to have us all stay there and let us eat their food. We got to sleep in the basement which has a spiral staircase leading down to it, the kids thought that was the absolute best thing ever and it was the most sleep we all got in years.

Heather's Aunt and Uncle were nice enough to open their home to us for the Open House. It was a beautiful home and they were so nice. The kids had a good steady crowd come through but not nearly as exciting as the one here in Utah. It was good to put faces with names though finally.

The happy couple taking advantage of a few quiet moments. Standing in line talking to people you don't know is exhausting! JK

Heather's sister Celeste is now Isaac's new obsession. She was so sweet to him over the weekend, he is just all smitten with her and asked me if he could marry her several times. Poor Ashley, she's been dumped. He told us all that C.C. could have Ashley now, he loves Celeste now. He does have an eye for really great girls, they are just generally alot older than him.

This was the beautiful sky on the way home in the plane, Sab took this.
Thanks for the great time in Texas all ya'll Coslett's!


Coslett's said...

we are so glad ya'll came and it was great having you. Your fam is great just to hang with and chill. Celo asked daily when ya'll are coming back she loved your family. isaac is just to adorable! what a funny little boy he is! hope his heart has healed form having to leave celeste. he did tell celeste in an email his heart was broken because he had to leave her.....soooo funny! celeste just adores him! hahaha

Heather said...

Thanks for coming down. That was super fun having you guys. Standing in line is NOT a fun thing to do, haha, but I'm glad we were able to have an open house in Texas! Celeste has texted me a few times telling me she really misses Isaac and Sab and can't wait to see them again. :) I hope y'all have recovered from a weekend in the Coslett house! :)

Nick Ferg said...

Taking pictures on planes is illegal. ya terrorists.