Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We also hit the Dino Museum with Alison, Andrew, and Aidan over Spring Break. The boys had so much fun together that they didn't want it to end. They were very silly and had a great time at their sleep over at Andrew and Aidans house. Especially Isaac since this was technically his "first" sleepover. When I went to pick up Isaac the next day Aidan said that I was there to ruin his life. We are so happy that they have hit it off so well and now we live so close. Finally, cousins to play with.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

It is great to be closer to family, isn't it?? Isaac cracks me up...you're always "ruining his life"!! HA!
Sabrina is just the cutest. Every time I see her, I think she's grown up by several years again. What a beautiful young girl she is. Watch out world, Sabrina's here!