Wednesday, August 27, 2008

5 Schools For 5 Kids

We have been offically in school for almost two weeks now, except Nick will start on Tuesday. With 5 different school schedules, I am grateful that the boys can drive themselves and that my neighborhood is also in need of carpooling. It's a little crazy trying to figure out when they all have to be where they are suppossed to but it will all work out fine in the end. So far they are happy and all is well. I was a little worried for them, Isaac is the going all by himself without any siblings at school with him, a first and he has his first male teacher, another first. Sab is in Jr. High, she was scared the first day but when I picked her up she said, "It was the best day of my life!" It's fun to have a kid excited for school and the of course the social life there. McKayla is warming up to High School life, not too much but I can tell she's happier this year and a little more comfortable. She's going to early morning seminary and she has a drafting class that there are only 3 girls out of 36 kids. Her schedule will be a good start in High School, especially that driver's ed. part next semester. C.C. went to the same school as McKayla for 2 periods the first day then he transferred himself back to the school he'd been going to in Orem. He is much happier and I'm glad he will graduate with the people he's been with for 3 years now. Nick is pulling the BYU thing together slowly, he had a hard time getting with a counselor to figure it all out but it is all good now. He will have an adjustment with school, a job, and a calling. Should be a fun learning experience for him. As for me, my house is alot cleaner and I get alot more one on one time with Travis being home so much now. He takes alot of breaks. :) Isaac's Elementary School
Sabrina's Jr. High School

McKayla's High School

C.C.'s High School

Nick's School

1 comment:

Melinda said...

How crazy! Five kids, five schools??? And then there will be the activities, back to school, I'm tired just thinking about it. If anyone can sift through the craziness, it's you. Good thing two of them can drive themselves. You're such a great mom.