Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Think She Said YES

It's offical! We are now getting our first daughter-in-law and we couldn't have picked a better one ourselves. Thankfully Nick has exceptional taste and did fine on his own. He was very romantic and planned it out so cute and was so carefull to not leave out any important details and to make it ever so special. You can tell by the look on her face that she was so excited and very surprised. So mark your calendars for October 17 in the Salt Lake area somewhere. I am totally clueless on the Wedding Planner thing so any ideas and inside tricks of the trade are welcome.

Heather is already so much apart of our family and life that we are so happy to have her be a FERG! (Read her blog for all the sappy details! :) )


Summer Mortensen said...

YAY!! I'm way excited about those two getting married! Aren't they just perfect together? How are you handling all the excitement? Let me know if you need help!

Melinda said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! I'm so excited for both of them. They seem so great together, how could you ask for anything better for your son and your family? I'm so happy for all of you. You're a mother-in-law! (well practically). Can't wait for the next step (grandma!)
I am SO sad though, that we will not be in town on the 17th! We will be on our annual Disneyland trip (plane tickets are bought, the carrots are cooked). DANG!

TanyaS said...

Congrats to you all! How fun to be planning a wedding; I wish I was there to help you! She seems great! ~Tanya

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

It's about time! I've been checking your blog several times a day since Ty told me it was "official" - I peeked at Heather's blog to get the details (so fun!) Who'd have thought Nicky would be so romantic - wasn't it just yesterday they were skateboarding & breaking arms? Or was that snowboarding & breaking arms? Oh...it was BOTH!

Jill said...

congratulations!! I can't believe Nick is getting married. She is really cute and they look darling together. good luck with all the planning! wish we could be there.

lynbar said...

When I exclaimed out loud, "Holy cow!! Nick is engaged!!" Rob, from another room, said, "What!!?! Did you just say that Nick is GAY?!" HAR HAR HAR!! We are very happy for you all! Good luck with these next few weeks! If there is anyone who can organize and pull off a fast wedding, it's you! You're amazing! Love, Lynette

The McGraths said...

HaHa! Didn't I tell you that you would be planning a wedding this Christmas? Who would have thought it would be by halloween!!! Yeah for Nick!!! I'm so excited! Congratulations and she did a great job telling the story on her blog. Nick is so romantic!