Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Is A Special Day!

Today was finally the day that we baptized Isaac! He had looked forward to this day for a very long time. We got him all set up with a new suit, that he had requested and a new tie that wasn't a clip-on, another request. He looked bery handsome and too grown up.

You can tell by the look on his face here that he couldn't be happier. During the talks and the songs I couldn't help but to peek over at him and see the cute look on his face as he listened. It was so fun to have the support that we did there and feel the love everyone has for Isaac! We had some family, some old friends, and some new friends there so it couldn't have been better in any way.


Serena said...

Oh How precious were so proud of him!! and ya that picture was taken in Cali. at the the Beach at the Boardwalk.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Dude...Isaac, congrats for doing what's right...keep it up!

Melinda said...

Wow, Isaac, you look great in a suit. I think you've "grown a foot or two" since we saw you last. Congrats for making such a great decision.

TanyaS said...

Congrats, Isaac! I wish we could have been there on your big day with you. You are becoming such a grown-up kid and look so hansome in your suit! ~Tanya and the Summers :)

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

This is Terri, Why are all your kids so grown up???? I can't believe it!!! And more importantly, why am I blocked from seeing your blog? My email is add me?