Friday, September 19, 2008

The Search Begins

Kim and I set out on our search for a reception center while Heather was still at school. We went all over the valley, it was really fun looking at all the beautiful places that provide such a nice place for you to enjoy such a special day.
Alpine Arts Center, I would love to have my girls' receptions here, if they would want it here.
A place in American Fork.
This was a little something I found and after a few stressful moments I asked Kim if she wanted to split it. It helped break some tension and we had a good laugh!
Travis came home with these flowers and gave them to Kim. Could he be any sweeter?
Yes he could be sweeter because these were for me!!!! He is so thoughtful and kind, I am soooooooooo lucky. I hope our boys have been taking notes!


Summer Mortensen said...

Yikes! What a crazy time you are having right now!! ;) I bet it's fun at the same time though. I'm so excited to come for the wedding, it couldn't come any faster!!

Melinda said...

It would be hard to decide between so many beautiful places. Are you having any trouble with availability with the event coming up so fast? One month from today, right? (I really am not trying to panic you...what am I thinking?) Anyway, how sweet is Travis with the flowers? He's always been sweet like many times we have seen flowers from him at your house!

Coslett's said...

Hey Kel! You seriously are the! I could not do this without you! What a rock you are! Thank goodness I don't smoke because I seriously would be smoking 12 packs a day right now! And I have never smoked a day in my life but boy is it tempting right now! haha (just kidding) Sure love you!