Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Sab!

Since my side of the family was all here we decided to go cruise through Gardner's Village hoping it would be a good way to celebrate Sab's birthday the day after the wedding and enjoying each other while we were checking out the Halloween festivities. Some of us enjoyed ourselves, some a little too much, but all in all we had a nice time even though we all felt like we were in coma's.

Isaac and Ryan had the most fun together, they couldn't pass up a shot with McGruff.

Just hanging out at the can, they've got some skills.
Diane and I had a blast. We shopped and looked at purses and jewelry, what more could a girl want than hangin' with her best bud. Even Scott, my brother, and Travis were shopping with us and enjoying it as much as they could.
This is my parents, they are the one's that I thought would enjoy it the most but I'm sure had the worst time.

Sab is blazing the trail for the witch.

Then on sunday we had some friends over for dinner to celebrate again Sab's birthday and she wanted to have pineapple-upside down cake. For a girl that doesn't branch out much on her food groups, I was shocked she wanted this. Of course the pineapple got put to the side and the rest got chowed down. We also kidnapped her from primary at church and brought her into Young Womens. Yes, Jenny, no more achievment days. :( She was so happy to come into YW, mostly because the primary program was the week after her birthday, but of course she was way ready. She's already been working on her Personal Progress, way cute. Happy Birthday Sab! You're the best! Travis always says, "Sab, you're in my top 5 kids!" She gets it but still loves it.


Serena said...

Kelly.. you have officially been tagged by me!

Melinda said...

Ah, Sab...12 years old! In some ways I can't believe it, but in other ways, I feel like you've been 12 for a few years already. You are as cute as can be, Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

The lady in the Witch hat looks really strange!!!!! What a fun day we had together.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Holy Cow! Thanks for making me feel old...Sab, I love you.