Friday, October 3, 2008


Inside our pantry this is what our cereal shelf looks like. This morning when I opened it up this is what I saw! I seriously laughed out loud. Someone had left a little note explaining a few things about two of the cereals. Thanks Sabrina for starting my day out with a good laugh!
Obviously these must be the generic brand that taste like packing peanuts and cost around $2 a bag!
This one must be the real thing! Sugar galore!
I found this plate today at Rod Works, it was broken but totally funny! I need that around monthly!


Melinda said...

Ah, Sabrina's picky palate! She should work as a flavorist for one those cheap cereal companies so that they can finally get it right and stop tasting like cardboard. You should switch the labels on them to mess with her!

The Horners said...

Oh that's totally somthing sh would do! Silly girl!