Monday, October 6, 2008

Senior Pics

We were SOOOO excited to see that these ALL turned out so good. There are like 20 more great shots of him but I don't want you to fall asleep looking at my blog. Jill referred her friend that is starting her photography business and so she took these of C.C. and Nick and Heathers Bridals, which Nick was in so I'm not sure what they are technically called. Anyway she did a SWEET job on both, as you can see, so let me know if you need her name and number, she's great. Mr. GQ was quite the man, he is so cute. Gotta love him!


Coslett's said...

AWWWWWW!!! C.C>!!! These turned out so well!!! I love them! such a handsome boy! I love it! You tell CC i said he should go into modeling he could make a fortune!

Melinda said...

Wow, those are some great pics and great settings too. You're so handsome CC!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

So, did Sanae take these? They look great...but hey, how can you mess up pix of CC? He's so handsome & all grown up!

Alison said...

WAY cute! Can't wait to get one in the mail.

The McGraths said...

he doesn"t seem to be as bashful as I remember him! When did you grow up CC? What a ladies man!

Jill said...

wow, he's grown up a lot! I guess it's been 2 years now though. great pictures. He is so handsome!!