Friday, October 10, 2008

Tagged Again, Thanks Alison!

5 Fears
1. My kids not coming home - I can't sleep well until I know that they are all home safe and sound in their beds. I know Travis will always come home, we both need each other too much!
2. Speaking in church - I will do just about anything to avoid this. I just hate it, I get so scared and then I get all enotional and I hate feeling weak and having everyone see me weak. Maybe that is just pride not fear.
3. Spiders - need I say more, hate them but I will kill them if Travis or one of the boys isn't around. I was around alot of HUGE spiders in Hawaii alot as a kid so it all started then.
4. Watching my husband get killed right in front of me on the Harley! I always follow him and that thought goes through my mind all the time! I still don't know what I would do in the moment if I saw it happen.
5. Not being able to pay our bills - this is a fear of everyone I'm sure especially in these times now.

5 Joys
1. Riding the Harleys in the mountains or on the coast - it is a definate must for those of you that enjoy something different. It is the best feeling to be cruising along listening to your I-pod and enjoying the beautiful surroundings and forgetting about all of your responsibilities.
2. A good book - I haven't always loved reading but I do love it now and getting into a well written book that pulls you in.
3. Quality time with Travis and the kids - this is when we get the real stories on what is going on in their lives.
4. Scarpbooking - I love looking at the pictures of my family and I love being creative. I don't feel like I have many other ways to be creative so this is my outlet. I love seeing how the kids have grown and changed and looking at the funny things they have done.
5. Being able to do something nice for someone unexpected - I have always loved taking dinner to someone or going over to their house to help them clean or with their kids. It is such a great feeling to be able to do that for other people. It is my theropy, that

5 Obsessions/Collections
1. I have collected music boxes forever, mostly as a kid but I still love my big antique ones in my house now.
2. I am obsessed with organization with everything even down to using my time in an organized way. I have to have things just so, so much that I'm sure that it has driven my family nuts thier whole life. They will probably all turn out to be slobs because I have been such a crazy person when it comes to their rooms and my house.
3. Checking my email - yes, I check it many times a day just waiting for some communication from the outside world. Just kidding but I do check it WAY too many times. Travis said that if my computer died and the phones didn't work I would go crazy. Maybe?
4. I have the same routine everyday - as far as getting up and ready for the day, down to picking out my clothes and even when I have my first Diet Coke. It is sad and lame I know. I have a hard time when the schedule gets mixed up and I have to make a change. Freak show!
5. I am also obsessed with finishing things - I really can't move on the the next thing until I have finished which I think is good in a way becasue it helps me to be a very clean and organized person. It actually talked about this in my Patriarchal Blessing, so I am suppossed to be doing this! Example- I can NOT walk out of my bathroom without putting everything away. I have seriously tried and I end up coming right back in to finish it up.

5 Surprising Facts
1. My first calling in the church was a volleyball coach - I was totally into volleyball until my smoking habit inhibited me from breathing during practice. I probably could have made a different turn in High School if I had stuck with the volleyball.
2. I have to go to sleep the exact same way everynight, with my 3 pillows and my blankets just so. More obsessive tendencies.
3. I most never try new things when we go out to eat - I HATE getting something that sounded good and ended up tasting gross and having to pay for it.
4. I spoke in Stake Conference, the adult session, just a few months after being baptized - this may be why I have a fear of it now.
5. I was Head Cook at Zion's Camp for a few years - this is another place where my obsessive tendencies paid off in organizing meal planning for 200 people. I did love the boys though, it was one of the best experiences I have had, even though the actual work was exhausting.

So now that you all know what a freak I am, I guess if I never hear from anyone again I will know who can take my weirdness and who can't!

Pass it on and TAG- Melinda, Kim, Heather, Summer, and Jill


The Horners said...

Hahaha you're funny. I feel ya on the whole speaking at church thing. I have a hard time even saying a prayer. I too will try to avoid it as much as possible.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

You & Paul must be related with your need for organization...hmmmm, I didn't get that gene.

lynbar said...

People who know me, but don't know you (or Paul, or Michelle Y. for that matter) and say I'm organized, I try not to laugh out loud in their faces. You are my inspiration. I'm with Jenny. I didn't get that gene either. Some day, hopefully.