We always make cookie houses, a family tradition that I had and always loved doing so we have continued on. As the kids have gotten bigger the houses have gotten to be fewer but always better because they all seem to work together to help the younger ones. Love that.
Sab's creation, beautiful!
Isaac's beauty!
This is REALLY gross I know but you all should know what Sab went through. She had to have her two K-9's exposed and hooked onto her braces. They never came in and so they went in and got them. It was one of the sickest things I've seen and they looked like they were not really gentle about it. I was watching and asked if they would think I was a freak if I took a picture, I knew no one would really believe what I saw. I felt so bad for her after that, she was a good sport about it and even with it being four days before Christmas. She really did need the break though to get through it.
We definately had a white Christmas which I loved so much. Travis thinks I'm nuts for enjoying the snow but hey, we're here and it's really fun. FeeBee isn't such a fan at 8am when it's potty time though but she uses the tramp for her huge pretty princess umbrella as to not get wet while she gets her business done.
Christmas morning, they are all still waking up. We didn't get started really until about nine o'clock, Isaac was so patient although getting the turkey ready was a good distraction.
We got to have Nick and Heather sleep over and spend the day with us. It was so much fun to have everyone there with us, it had been a few years. They even ended up spending a few more nights and that was a huge treat.
This is FeeBee anxiously awaiting another bit of Jerkey from Travis. She is actually guarding his stocking with the Jerkey in it, which is beautiful I might add, and stood like that for a very long time. It was so funny, she was a statue.
A special gift from her friend in California.
Santa brought C.C. a laptop.
Santa brought Isaac a giant Bionicle ship that was on his wish list. He kept saying that he thought Santa left just one more gift for him but it had to be in the garage. He was hoping for a dirt bike but we had to break the news to him that it just wasn't there.
Sab's infected lip from her bracket cutting her all up. Gross but it's all good now.
FeeBee seemed pretty happy about this gift and made herself quite at home on it.
It couldn't have been a better Christmas. Plenty of good family time, food, and laughs. I think we all enjoyed this year, maybe more than others, it was really a great couple of weeks. We were all feeling very lucky to have each other and not much else seemed too important.