Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So Tanya sends me this email about a Kit of the Month and I pass it on to Diane and the next thing we know we have our alarms set for 8:30am on New Years Day so we can log in and buy this kit, of course we have to be talking to each other while we are doing it. We are half asleep trying to get in on this thing and it is crazy, keeps shutting us out, logging us out, whatever. We keep trying and finally after us both trying for about 35 minutes Diane finally gets the job done and orders us each one. We get to looking online for the next few days and it is a cat fight over the internet. There were ladies writting in about trying to order the WHOLE DAY and no luck in getting one. The website was not ready for the high volume of crazy scrapbooking ladies to order this kit and they only had 4000 made. So the people that couldn't get one were ticked and letting everyone on Becky Higgins blog know. Then I get a link from Diane from ebay and low and behold there are like 5 to 7 kits on ebay. The "buy it now" kit was going for $255, yes, two hundred and fifty five dollars. We got ours for $40 including shipping. This goes to show that a crazy scrapbooker will go to the end of the world and back for the perfect kit. It really IS a cool kit but we were pretty sure that after five more minutes of trying to buy it with no luck, we were going to forget it and move on with our day. But lucky for us we have this awesome kit that we get to fill this whole year with beautiful and unique pictures. Not to rub it in or anything...


The Holyoaks said...

very funny kelly!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you should turn around and sell your kit on ebay...

Heather said...

WAY cool!!!

Jill said...

I've heard about project 365!! You should post some of your pages as you get them done. I'd love to see them. this post reminded me of you, Jodi and Tanya trying to register for the classes you wanted for that scrapbooking convention a while back...remember that?? I remember you guys being all excited/stressed about it at one of our scrapbooking nights.

TanyaS said...

Yeah - that was exactly how it was here, but I wasn't chatting with you guys. It does remind me of the good old days registering for CKU in your computer room! I am just happy to have the kit and not be one of the whiners. And NO selling it on ebay!!! I can't wai to see what you do with yours. I have been taking pics but haven't printed them or put anything together. One of these days soon, though! Love ya, and happy scrappin' Tanya

Summer Mortensen said...

You guys are totally crazy, i can't believe you went through all that for a kit!! Like you said though, the things you'll do right? I need you to get me motivated on scrapbooking so i can actually do something with all the pictures i have. Maybe someday....