Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Secret Life of...C.C.'s Hair

C.C. has had almost every hair style there is in the last few years so I thought it would be fun to share.
The flat straight in your face look, my least favorite, I could never see his strong face. (2 summers ago)
The biker bandana look, I loved the bandana on him, not everyone can pull this look off.
The relaxed curl look, I liked this alot, his handsome face was back. (last summer)
The hat head, for those days when he did not want to fix the hair.
Getting longer, going for the Mathew McConay look, awesome. (last October)
Dreads, we did these three times before we figured out how to do it right. Kinda weird but not horrible. ( before Christmas)
Back to the Mathew McConay look, very handsome.
Time to go a little shorter for the internship. Still looking great! (January)Just plain sick of fixing his hair, even more than last week gets cut. (February)
Present hair style today. He doesn't look all that happy for the picture but he is happy about his low maintenance hair.
Although each hair style was different he seemed to still be very handsome through out each trial stage. Gotta love C.C., I do. I still can't believe he's 18. Yikes!


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

18??? Holy Cow!!! Wasn't it just yesterday when he was baptized & had this huge crush on my Cindi?

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

PS - Happy Bday Cory Champion FERG!

The McGraths said...

He's not 18! He did not ask my permission to be 18 so I won't believe it! If he is 18 than I feel old and I know I am not old yet so that just means he is not 18 yet. Tell him to try to be 18 in a couple of years. I will ok it then.

Coslett's said...

aww CC looks great such a handsome boy! He can pull any hairstyle he wants and just looks great!

Summer Mortensen said...

He is just one of those kids that can pull off any style that he wants. How fun to be able to do whatever and still look that good! He's just awesome, hope my boys are that daring (& handsome) when they get older!