Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Break

We had a few snowstorms that ruined our tennis playing.Took a hike up A.F. canyon during a rain storm then hit the Purple Turtle for the first time ever. They have the very best fries and tons of them.
After we got 8 inches of snow we headed to Capital Reef with the Harmons. We found these very huge handsome and very fragrant friends along the way.
McKell had told us about this on the way down and I had to get a pic of it. It's a dummy cop sitting there so people will slow down on their way through this dinky town.
This was on the door to the pool of our hotel. EWWWWW!
Beautiful, it was hard to keep my eyes on the road.
Finally, Isaac's dream came true. He has been begging for two years now.
Even McKayla was a huge fan.
Our car stopped at the Petroglyphs on the way back to the hotel.
This was the old schoolhouse that was so cute, seriously in the middle of nowhere. It had desks and everything set up inside. It also served as the "Meetin' House" in the 1890's.
Taking a break.
Josh at the top, crazy but a really good rider.
Jason took Isaac out the second day and Isaac just followed him...almost everywhere he went. He did so good for all the big hills and the thick sand. We were all really amazed.
McKell, Jason, and Isaac on top of a huge hill.
Sabrina's farmers tan.
Soooooooo cute.
Had to because we call Sab this, Blondie not eatery or gifts. :)
Wasted after a great weekend! Plus she jacked everything not nailed down from the room, obviously the shower cap, shampoo, and soaps, stuff like that.
Overall it was a really fun weekend and we are excited to go again soon. We'll be going back down south in the fall.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We started out the break with Easter and the ususal festivities.

We got the two little kids and dyed some eggs. Which is still fun and we will keep it up as long as they want to.
We always end up doing a few of the blown eggs, after everyone pops a blood vessel trying to get it started.
Travis made a Vans and a black egg with Sharpie, we didn't eat those.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Easter!

My mom sent a box of Easter stuff today and so the kids all divided it up and Isaac really wanted to bunny for some reason. So he went to eating it and I went out to weed and came back in to get something out of the fridge and here's what I found. CUUUUUUUUTTTTTTE!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Long Forgotten Blog

Diane gave me this cool book when I was in Boise and so desided to put all my most favorite pics of the family in it. Some are sweet, some are funny, and some just because they are awesome. It turned out great, I did it simple and all different size pics with black borders and just used my stamps on each page. I love it! This is the last page but the other pages just have one single pic on them.
Phill had this shirt on again and I finally had my camera with me. It is the funniest shirt for a guy to be wearing but Phill can pull it off. " Mommy and Me, at the Zoo"
Hopefully these pretty flowers that I planted on my porch when it was sunburn weather, that one weekend, will make it through all the spring blizzrds. They still look so pretty.
We saw these cute Old English Bulldog puppies last weekend and everyone wanted one, including Travis. I was the Scrooge on this one, I do not want another BABY to take care of right now. And I thought about how I would feel the first time it ran to jump on my nice leather couch and how bad I would hate it when it ruined it. So we will just enjoy these cute pics of them and love FeeBee more.
Isaac has been relentless about begging for a dirt bike for like two years now so Phill let him ride one of his to see how he did and he was still hooked. Haven't gotten him one yet but he's still begging now that he got a real taste for it.