Thursday, April 2, 2009

Long Forgotten Blog

Diane gave me this cool book when I was in Boise and so desided to put all my most favorite pics of the family in it. Some are sweet, some are funny, and some just because they are awesome. It turned out great, I did it simple and all different size pics with black borders and just used my stamps on each page. I love it! This is the last page but the other pages just have one single pic on them.
Phill had this shirt on again and I finally had my camera with me. It is the funniest shirt for a guy to be wearing but Phill can pull it off. " Mommy and Me, at the Zoo"
Hopefully these pretty flowers that I planted on my porch when it was sunburn weather, that one weekend, will make it through all the spring blizzrds. They still look so pretty.
We saw these cute Old English Bulldog puppies last weekend and everyone wanted one, including Travis. I was the Scrooge on this one, I do not want another BABY to take care of right now. And I thought about how I would feel the first time it ran to jump on my nice leather couch and how bad I would hate it when it ruined it. So we will just enjoy these cute pics of them and love FeeBee more.
Isaac has been relentless about begging for a dirt bike for like two years now so Phill let him ride one of his to see how he did and he was still hooked. Haven't gotten him one yet but he's still begging now that he got a real taste for it.


acos said...

kelly! your blog has been private or something and i could never see it before. good thing im a stalker! you're now officially on my blog page thing. (i still dont know how this crap works...)

Jill said...

I love the black background on your pictures. I'll have to try that.