Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Graduation!

It was a very exciting day for us all! We had tons of support from family and friends. It was kinda weird for me I guess. As I was watching the class video I found myself worried that he had enjoyed himself enough to say he loved his high school experience. I was hoping that he didn't have a pile of regrets about what he should have done. He worked so hard at his job and on his school work, we really are so very proud of him for accomplishing this goal. Dad getting in a congrats in between friends!

Haylee was there too!

C.C. and his other dad! He lived with this family while we were still in Cal.
We went to Outback for a small party to celebrate with both families and the grandparents. Josh and Camree were there too just opted out of the pic.
Great job C.C. now it's off to California for the summer to work and earn millions to pay off his car and return here to start Fire Fighting school at UVU in the fall.
We will miss you!


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

What the heck? CC you did not have my permission to grow up & graduate! I'm all teary eyed reading this - I just love your stinky guts! ALL OF YOU!

Summer Mortensen said...

I can't believe that he's all grown up and graduated!! It's going to seem quiet with only three kids at home now! Congrats to C.C., sorry we weren't there to see it!!