Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sweet 16 and Never Been Kissed! I Think!

McKayla had her 16th birthday on friday!!!!!!! Wow!! I sure hate to see my kids grow up so fast but I guess there really isn't much I can do about that! The DMV is closed on fridays which we didn't know about, so there was a bit of depression about that since she will be gone all next week and will still have to wait until the following monday for the official licence.

Kenzie and Phill came to take her to breakfast and to decorate her room. Sab and Isaac beat her to it with the traditional toilet papering!
Time for a new fish! She researched the Parrott fish and it is suppossibly really a stupid fish, but it looks cool.
Sabrina helped me decorate for a little party. I figured it would be fun to wait so that Torrey could be there too, she came on saturday!
The little kids picked out the cake! The lady kind of looked at me weird when I asked her to write "Happy 16th!" on the cake! Whatever! Big kids like him too!
The gang came for the party!
Poor SpongeBob suffered a 3rd degree burn on his fingers. McKayla had been without her Asthma meds for a few days and was a little short on breath so the candles burned a little too long.
Definately having McKayla a part of our family has been the very best experience for us all! We really love being around her and she always comes up with the best things. I'm so thankful for the person that she has grown into, she is a blessing to everyone she knows! :)


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Awe...Happy Birthday Mac! Love you!

Jill said...

Holy Crap I cannot believe she's 16!!! I still remember when she babysat for us when I was in the hospital right after I had Jake and she made that darling welcome home poster with Emily and trent. Tell her Happy Birthday for me!

Melinda said...

Wow, Happy Birthday McKayla....16 is a big one. Tell me when you get your license so that we can avoid Lehi (ha, ha!!). Love you, miss you, Happy Birthday to the coolest, most original girl ever! Love the Sponge Bob cake.

The Horners said...

Happy 16 Birthday McKayla! Wow, 16 already? Slow down girl!

The McGraths said...

Yeah for McKayala! I can't believe she is 16!!! WOW! Happy Birthday Girlie!

Alison said...

Happy Birthday, McKayla!! We love you!