Thursday, September 10, 2009

Barnyard Update

The little brown duck was murdered the first night and so this is her gravesite!
The first death in the barnyard!
We decided to add a pregnant pygmy goat to the barnyard. We brought her back from Payson in the back of the truck. We got several laughs on the freeway.
It cried all night long so Travis slept out there with her so she wouldn't wake up the neighborhood. I went out to wake him up and within 20 minutes she had gotten out and had bolted! An hour later and after several neighborhood chases we brought her home. It would have been a great Funniest Home Video. We had to have her tied up because we don't have a gate on either side of the backyard, she didn't like that too much.
(This picture flipped for some odd reason.) She was a MESS!!!! And loved to sleep on the top step and stick her nose on the outside of the glass. Frosted Flakes, poop, weeds, and goat treats. Anything the get her to be quiet and content.
After several nights and days of her crying and destroying our backyard, we decided to pass the goat on to join another herd. The neighbors behind us were hating us and we got the stink-talk about it so they should be happy. She is in a way better place and with other goats and still in the neighborhood. So all is well and so is our sanity now! Whew! Note to self... you live in a neighborhood, not on a farm.


KaraLyn said...

Richard is wondering if Travis is trying to relive his childhood or something. HILARIOUS!!!

Melinda said...

What is going on??? A murdered duck??? A GOAT??? What's in the water down there, huh?
I LOVE your's a big mood lift for me when I read it, always get a good laugh at your adventures (goat chasing, ducking murdering, etc. etc.) LOVE you guys.