Sunday, October 4, 2009

As The Barnyard Turns

This is how beautiful our yard was looking with the duck pool, the decoys, the poop, the ramp to get into the pool, the egg, and did I mention the poop?
The first egg layed by, we think, the new big white duck. Complete with poop on top and feathers all around. No way was anyone interested in trying the taste them so they were just kind of fun to go find every day.

This is the suicidal fish that jumped out of the tank and was laying on the carpet not moving! We put him in a ziplock bag and after about 30 minutes I went to take him outside to throw away and I thought I saw him move. So we put him into a bowl and Travis spent about 20 minutes with a fork trying to swim him around to get him back to life. It worked! Seriously he was fine, swimming around and back in business that night when we put him back into the tank. All was well, until the next morning when he was dead, again! It must have been the 30 minutes without any oxygen. OOOPPS!

Travis went outside and took a look around at all the huge massive amounts of duck poop and he decided it was over. He asked McKayla what it would take to get rid of the ducks and her reply was a puppy. So off they went to Wal Mart parking lot. They came home with this little dude. A Mini Weiner.

He has turned out to be a really sweet puppy!

How could you walk away from those big brown eyes.

Too cute!

FeeBee hates him, not just dislike but strongly HATES! It's like the annoying little brother that will never leave you alone and always wants to play!

He seriously is so funny! He LOVES McKayla, he's very attached to her and cries when she goes downstairs without him. She is a great mom, he really only will snuggle up to her when he's ready for his naps. She was in her room doing homework or something and this is how comfy he was, sound asleep!! She is not a fan of the 4:30AM wake up call from him but she is really responsible.
So, the goat is gone, the ducks all went to Wyoming to live in a pond, the jumper fish is dead, and the puppy is here to stay! I think our animal stage is complete, lessons learned, been there done that.


Jill said...

cute puppy!!you guys are so nice to let your kids try out all the different kinds of pets.

Melinda said...

Never a dull moment at the Fergs. What a cute little seriously cannot say no to those eyes!