Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Week!

The mountains are looking so beautiful!
I worked at the candle store again to help with the holiday sale!
The first snow came on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and the kids quickly went out to build the first snowman of the year, complete with a carrott nose and M&M eyes. Unfortunately he is a goner but I'm sure there will be plenty more to come.
Isaac helping with the Thanksgiving shopping at the new Smith's! He loved the little carts, we could have spent four hours there and he would have still enjoyed it. I would have been broke... but he would have had fun!
Sab just being cute!
Isaac's pie which consisted of whipping cream only. They love the spray cans.
Dwayne had Thanksgiving with a few friends too,
Nick and Isaac disecting the guts of the turkey. They spent some good quality time checking out each piece and cutting and squishing. Nick was naming all of the parts and all the kids were glued to the fun.
Heather preparing her famous twice baked potatoes.
Time to dig in!
I was making Ryan chocolate chip pancakes. Turns out there was a huge chunk that had melted together that I figured would be a nice little addition to his pancake. It was a little hard to get the other side cooked but it turned out great!
Yes, we are a little odd but I still love them. My brother Scott and his son Ryan!
We all really had a great time with them! We saw a movie, went shopping and some good quality time together. I love these two guys and I was so happy to have them come spend Thanksgiving with our family! Miss them already!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. Thanks again for the delicious meal and great company! ( also, do I really look like that picture of me in real life? Those glasses DO make me look like a granny AND i look about 500 lbs over weight....) haha.