Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas Eve, Sabrina requested the onzies and has loved them ever since.
Dax was a huge fan of the box!
McKayla's favorite gift this year!
Isaac got these for the girls.
FeeBee guarding my things.
All of Isaac's dreams came true. He also asked if Santa was real this year and so after thinking hard about the answer for a 9 year old we thought it would be ok to break the news. His major beef was that we had LIED to him all these years.
The little boys were exhausted after a day of fun in the paper.
C.C. cleaned up too fast for a picture. Overall it was a nice Christmas that we all enjoyed very much together. Even though Sabrina was still feeling badly she was a good sport but then went back to bed soon after the fun ended. We missed Nick and Heather but know that we get to share for holidays. Next year!

1 comment:

The Horners said...

Those kiddos are so cute! I'm surprised Isaac lasted this long with the Santa secret! That means you guys did a good job playing Santa!