Tuesday, July 20, 2010


McKayla has turned to a new hobby, fishing.
Luckily C.C. knows how to fish so he spends most of his time getting everyone's poles all ready and then maintaining them the rest of the time, he's a good sport.
Come on fish, get on the hook already. The Jordan River didn't yeild any fish that day.
Linkin liked to hide in the tall grass. Next we tried Deer Creek but they said we couldn't let the dogs out so we headed down the canyon. No fish there either.
We tried Deer Creek again another day without the dogs.
It was raining and still no fish.
Sab had to pose.
McKayla wanted all fishing stuff for her birthday. When I told the lady at Albertson's I would like a fishing cake she told me all about her 7 year old son that loves fishing and he wanted the same cake. When I told her it was for my 17 year old daughter she was kind of speechless.
She just can't get enough of the camera, the flowers are pretty though.
Family gathering plus her friend Natalie from California.
We found this great little pond that we had a blast exploring. The girls had to try out the raft to make sure it could hold them both, no one got wet.
Linkin was great, he even had a great nap on the dock.
Sab catching some rays, no fish though.
No fish here either.
Look how beautiful this place is. No fish, although they swam by the dock.
McKayla wanted to try one more time but the fish were not interested in her hock one bit.
This was the result of the fun day in the sun for McKayla. Poor thing, no fish but a major sunburn. Yes, these are blisters on her upper arms. She and the sun aren't very good friends. She is ok with being extremely white and preserving her skin from wrinkling.

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