Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What happened to me, you might ask? Or not!

Well, I got a job! It's perfect AND it just pretty much fell into my lap. I called my insurance agent to ask a question and he happened to ask if I knew anyone looking for a job. I asked a few questions about the job description, like do you need to know anything about insurance and called him back a few days later asking if I could interview. We had a chat over the phone and we called it good. I am now the Office Manager for a Farmers Agent in Orem.
This is where I spend 4 plus hours everyday. Answering the phone, working on changes to policies, and whatever else needs to be taken care of. Diane, the other secretary, likes to mess up my desk because she knows what a freak I am about being organized.
I spend a lot of time in front of this.
This is Diane, it's amazing how I get paid to talk to her all day. Just kidding, we don't chat ALL day. She helps me with everything, she just knows everything there is about Farmers. It's extremely boring when she has the day off.
This guy is part of the office too, takes up most of the wall.
This is my totally hard core boss, NOT. Brian is so nice it bites him in the butt sometimes. He's great to work for and doesn't mind me organizing his day or his desk.

It has really been great for me to be working. It's a 10-2 gig everyday and fits in with the kids' schedule very nicely. It has been an adjustment to make time for everything but I'm getting the hang of it.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Glad you're having fun with Diane & the Moose on the wall, but I have to admit that I have missed you. Drive safe out to Cali...love you guys - Merry Christmas!

deedlebug said...

I must say that wednesday's are tough to take without you there. I would be lost without you. and it is an ELK not a moose...but that is a minor detail...one that my son felt needed to come forth.