Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Darnedest Things Go On At Our House!

Snow! Beautiful and lots of it. You might be thinking "so what, you live in Utah!" Correct but it's like the end of February and it was 50 degrees last week. Anyway I was like a little kid when I woke up to this pile. It really was beautiful! Travis was wondering what I was smoking that day because he said that a nice green, lush lawn would be more exciting to him.
I love it, but I didn't get to play in it or even shovel.
Travis and C.C. spent a saturday making this little honey. Hmmmm, ya it does look like a hangman set up. We are just fed up with the kids and nothing is working anymore!!!! Not, it's for C.C.'s dog to hang off and jump up to.
My cake for the Scout Cake Auction. It started out going to be a 3 layer checkerboard cake, they are so cool. But since the white cake was a hater and when I went to put on the second layer it fell apart into 4000 pieces. So I just blew and scraped off the one that was ruined and added the other layer. It was so lame and BORING that I had to run grab some Peeps and crushed up some Heath bar to jazz it up. I was totally embarrassed to even claim it but it went for like $300 cub bucks so it worked out even though it was really a flop.
Isaac was asked to make a poster to spotlight him for school and this is what we came up with. All of his favorites!
This is the kind of thing that Isaac does when I drag him to "GIRL STORES". He amuses himself and gets creative. Whatever makes it easier on me, right?
After Isaac being seriously sick for 10 days straight, right in the middle of it Sabrina sprained her ankle. I was totally fine the night she did it besides it hurting pretty badly there was no swelling at all but the next morning it was the size of a baseball. So she and Isaac took care of each other all week while I was at work.
If I would have only known how much joy a TEA KETTLE would have brought to her I would have gotten it long ago.
We gathered up all of the knives and other weapons in the house and this was it! Wow, you would think we are all in training for serial killing or something.
This used to be a chocolate kiss from Grandma Chapman for Valentine's Day. By the variety of teeth marks I think a few of the kids enjoyed it.

1 comment:

The Holyoaks said...

hahahaha - you guys are hilarious!