Sunday, July 31, 2011

Long Weekend To Jackson

We first stopped in Idaho Falls to visit my Aunt Karen and Uncle Jerry. She was happy we didn't ask to sleep over with 5 kids and 5 dogs. She showed us all her treasures which was this beautiful coat that my grandpa had made for his wife. This has a cool story behind it and I wish I could remember exactly but it was something like my grandpa had trapped all these beavers and had hid them and smuggled them somewhere so he could have this coat made. It was very soft and weighed a ton. She said she doesn't like to wear it out anywhere since there are all the freaks that like to throw paint on fur coats.
My mom busted out her old typewriter and the kids were so excited. We set it up on this cool table all weekend and Sab would write a journal blurb and then she wrote my mom a cute note on it when we left. The simple treasures that are so entertaining.
My mom has this HUGE record collection that she hash't heard for years and this little/big beauty was down in the basement so we brought it up and got it working for her. She enjoyed listening to some records in French since the girls asked about them.
Sab tried on some of my moms clothes, better than the dress up box!
We had gone to an Antique show at the Village and on the way back my mom wanted to go for a bike ride. Since she is always prepared with her bike in her car, we dropped her off. She looked so cute I had McKayla snap this shot of her. She had never seen herself on her bike so she was happy! She will be 80 this October and could out-bike anyone you know! Go mamma go!
We found this sign out by the barn and I thought it was so cool we brought it back to the house, cleaned all the poop off of it and put it in the yard. The sign is from a ranch that my mom's father owner long, long ago.
Isaac was thrilled to be armed and be able to take care of some pesky squirrels that were a little too at home on the front porch. My mom had told us there were a few, 2-3, that had the nerve to come right up to her and almost come up her leg. So Isaac took care of those 2-3 plus another 10 or so. Then he headed out to the barn to take care of 10 or so more ground squirrels. Happy days for him, he's actually a very good shot.
He made me take this so he could show Evan when we got home. Gross I know!
We found these beauties, my boots! They are so tiny.
These were my dads Pinewood Derby cars that he made when he was a scout leader. The stories are told that he was a tad bit competitive and the yellow one was the big winner. I guess he made some changes in the competition and there was always an adult race that was a hit! Of course he always won.
Sabrina and Mallory were looking through the closet in my old room and came across these dresses.
Such a poser! We had quite a laugh over this dress. I came upstairs to see what the girls were up to and here is Sab totally STUCK in the dress, she couldn't get it on or off! Mallory and I were laughing so stinking hard even though her arm was so stuck in the sleeve we were worried we were going to rip it. Then we found the lovely zipper in the side that was designed for putting it on with ease and that was an even better laugh! So then when my mom came up to see what we were doing and told us it was her mothers wedding dress!!! We were all having a heart attach since it was such a close call on almost ripping it!
Another dress from the wedding.
A traditional Austrian everyday dress.

We always find treasures at grandma's! I have many more to share!

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