Tuesday, July 2, 2013


 Bon Voyage! 
 Top Deck.
 The view from our cabin.
 Our dinning room was named ISAAC'S. 
 Please don't make me go home. 
 Having a cold one.
 Air Hockey was Isaac's entertainment.
 These two had quite the games.
 1st stop-HAITI
 Seriously? I got to do this!
 Isaac hauling in
 Travis REALLY hauling in, torpedo and he got in trouble.  
 Beautiful girl
 The family living it up in HAITI
 I could have stayed here for days.
 Obviously we all relaxed quite a bit
 This guy was loving exploring the ship on his own
 Every night they either had a movie playing or a game on.  I could have slept out there.
 C.C. digging the night air
 These towel guys were different every night.
 All my dreams have come true now.  
 This was such a cool greeting as we got off the boat.  
 Of course!
 "This is a lot cooler than I thought it was going to be!"
 Just chilling, looking sweet!
 Enjoying the shade and the scenery.
 "Ya, this is freaking awesome!"
 Cruising Jamaica and their outdoor shops.
 Just messing around while CC got is bad dreadlocks
 My turn
 New friends
 Another cool towel animal to come home to
 Already took the dreads out.
 Pretty much a magical sight
 This was a van in Grand Cayman I thought was cool and odd.
 Beach day
 Wasn't sunny but warmed up
 What a sight1
 Couldn't get these two out of the water once they got started
 Checking it all out
 Our ship
 The dinning room was beautiful and made you really feel like you were special. It was fun to dress up and the waiters were so personal, they knew everything we wanted before we got there.
 It felt like we were amazed around every corner of this ship every day.
 The cabin, plenty of room for 5.
 Sab and Isaac's spots.
 "I'm thinking I should live down here somewhere!"
 Is this a massively huge sombrero or what?  Cool though! 
 That is Isaac by the way. 
 This guy was performing on the way back on the ship. 
 Beautiful building along the water.
 That's our ride.
 Love these 3!
 Goes to show just how huge the ship really was.
 This guy was always entertaining as you walked in for some food.
 Miles of choices to pick from for all 3 meals. You never went hungry!
 The cooks were so creative with the decorations. 
 Stingray! I love how they use sunglasses to make it cute!
 This guy loved "Mr. Travis"
This was the guy in charge of our table in the dinning room.  He was amazing.

Definitely my dream trip!  I loved every second of it and was so happy just relaxing and enjoying being there.  Thank you Serial Tek. 

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