Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random 365 Pictures

Sab checked out this cool thing from the school library, it's like an I-POD, so she could listen to the book and follow along. I was sneaking up on her in the kitchen and I heard some sniffing, she was at the sad part in Bridge to Terabithia. :(
We got to have Ren for the weekend while his parents were off having fun, JK. We had a sweet game of Monopoly that lasted for two days and we all got creamed by Ren. We HAD to LET him win, he was the guest! NOT!
McKayla ordered this for Isaac like a month before Chrsitmas from a cereal box and it finally came. It is actually really cute, it's way soft and it has some velcro squares so it can be a hands-free cape. He was a fan, plus he FINALLY got some mail.
I have driven by this house so many times and laugh every time so I took the opportunity to have it be my picture of the day. Total REDNECK! You might be a Redneck if... you have a cab of a truck on your roof.
This is a sweatshirt that was mine when I was 15 years old from a school I went to for the summer in Hawaii. The sweatshirt showed up and I passed it on to McKayla several years ago and she has worn everything out of it. She still wears it and it is her favorite sweatshirt in the world. She says it is the softest and most comfortable thing she owns. Travis has offered her $200 for her to give it up, not going to happen, too much love there. Look closely at the sleeves.

1 comment:

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Sab, I L-O-V-E, LOVE that book! Yah, you need the kleenex close by!